• Russian Energy Minister: Ukraine's discount on gas expired on March 31st

    The Russian Minister of Energy, Alexander Novak, reported that the discount on gas given to Ukraine expired in late March, as posted on the website of the Ministry of Energy. It was noted that the amount of the discount during the first quarter of 2016 was $17.77. The final price of gas for Ukraine totaled $212 per thousand cubic meters.

    “As of the 1st of April 2016, the price of gas for Ukraine will be fully in line with a valid contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz of Ukraine,” according to …

  • Bild: Russia directly controls the Donbas

    The editors of the German newspaper Bild have documents at their disposal proving that the Russian Federation has adopted complete political and economic control over the separatist regions of eastern Ukraine. The results of the journalistic investigation were published on the night of Wednesday, March 30th, on their website.

    According to the existing minutes from the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission in the State Duma of the Russian Federation on October 23rd, 2015, the actual …

  • Media: Russian losses in Syria may number in the dozens

    Russian fighters of the non-existent de jure private military company (PMC) are dying in Ukraine and Syria, but are not spoiling the statistics, as the internet newspaper Fontanka.ru reported in its new investigation. According to the online resource, an accuratel list of Russian losses can be seen only in the decrees of Russian President Vladimir Putin which have not been published before.Fontanka explains that the list refers to individuals belonging to a heavy armament infantry battalion …

  • British Foreign Secretary says Russia is a global threat

    Philip Hammond said that Russia ignores the norms of international behavior and violates the rules of the international system.

    “Russia is a global threat, because its politics are contrary to international legal norms,” as said by the British Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, at a press conference in Tbilisi, during his visit to Georgia, Deutsche Welle reported.

    "Russia ignores the norms of international behavior and violates the rules of the international system. It is a challenge and a …

  • Dutch Foreign Trade Minister sees potential in Ukrainian agricultural exports

    The Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands, Lilianne Ploumen believes that Ukraine can further increase the export of agricultural products. Doing so would enable Ukraine to regain its lost status as ‘bread basket of the world.’“The development potential of the domestic agricultural industry is significant,” Ploumen stated. “The possibilities of Ukrainian agricultural industry are also significant. Some time ago, it had already been the bread basket of the …

  • US to build radar system along Russian-Norwegian border

    RBC reported on March 30th that the US will build a new military radar system in the Norwegian Vardø municipality on the border with Russia. The new military radar will be an upgraded model of the Globus II, which was installed in the late 1990s and is currently still in use. Work will begin in the summer of 2017 and will take about three years to complete. The US intends to spend 118 million to upgrade Globus II.

    Norwegian Intelligence claims that Norway will be able to monitor objects in …

  • Mogherini: Montenegro's accession to NATO will promote stability in the region

    The head of EU Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, at a meeting with the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milo Đukanović, in Brussels, welcomed the country's role in international politics as a reliable partner of the European Union, according to a statement by the European External Action Service on the results of the negotiations.

    As noted in the document, Mogherini "expressed the EU’s appreciation for the full compliance of the country with all the positions of the EU's foreign policy and …

  • The Security Service of Ukraine investigates more than 40 of its employees

    Several employees of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) are suspected of bribery, treason and espionage.

    SBU Chief of Staff Oleksandr Tkachuk announced in a briefing broadcast by Ukrainian news network “5 Channel” that criminal charges were filed against 43 of their own employees. According to him, there have been only four criminal proceedings against SBU employees from the time of the revolution of Dignity until July of last year. This figure dramatically increased at the start of summer. …

  • Several countries interested in purchasing Russian Su-34 bombers after seeing them in action in Syria

    Several countries are showing increased interest in purchasing Russian Su-34 frontline bombers after witnessing the aircraft in action during the Syrian operation, according to Deputy CEO of Russia’s state arms exporter Rosoboronexport, Sergey Goreslavsky, TASS reported.

    "Without a doubt, the interest has increased and I want to say that dozens of Rosoboronexport delegates are on foreign business trips weekly and a very intense process of negotiations is under way with countries from the …

  • Ukrainian Border Guard Service reports presence of FSB ship near Mariupol

    The Russian ship "And Quiet Flows the Don" of the Coast Guard of the Border Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB) was spotted near Mariupol on the 28th of March, 2016, as reported by Krym.Realii.

    The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported on March 30th that "The target has been identified as an unarmed patrol vessel of the Russian coast guard. The ships of the Sea Guard of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine went to escort and monitor 'And Quiet Flows the Don'  …