Russia to set up 5-kilometre security zone on border with occupied Donbas

Russian authorities have decided to establish a special zone on the border with the occupied region of Donbas, according to the Rostov region's officials.

While Russian propaganda continues to loud hail the "integration" of the occupied territories of Donbas with Russia, the authorities of the Rostov region have taken the step to separate themselves from the so-called "DPR" and "LPR" by enforcing a 5-kilometre special zone, within which "a special legal regime" will be operational.

This directive was issued by the head of the Rostov region, Vassily Golubev.

Access to this special zone will only be permitted with a passport. Additionally, staying within a 100-meter zone will require prior notification (12 hours in advance) to Russian border guards.

Golubev claims this measure will create conditions to prevent terrorists, extremists, and their accomplices from penetrating the Rostov region.

However, it remains unclear how the terrorists and extremists mentioned by the Rostov governor are entering the occupied Donbas, which is situated between the front lines and Russia. Alternatively, could it be that Rostov region authorities are becoming wary of DPR and LPR militants, nurtured by the Kremlin?

This is not the first such decree from the Rostov governor. Earlier, he limited the number of checkpoints through which one could cross from the occupied Donbas into the Rostov region.

In November last year, the Russian FSB reported the detention of a "spy" in the occupied part of the Donetsk region, who allegedly "transferred secret information to the SBU." However, upon viewing the published footage, viewers got the impression that it was staged.

  War in Ukraine, Russia, Donbas
