UN Representative claims that any criticism against Russian government can trigger harsh reactions in Crimea

On December 8, the UN Special Representative for Human Rights, Mark Boyanik, stated in an interview with Radio Svoboda that any criticism in the annexed Crimea can cause immediate backlash. One risk in particular is to be declared a wanted person.

“The Crimea is a place where, unfortunately, it is impossible to hold alternative views. I mean opinions that are not officially sanctioned and supported by the de facto authority. If you make a statement, distribute a message on social media, try to picket or hold a demonstration or rally near a public building—any activity that looks like an expression of criticism risks a harsh response. Depending on the circumstances, you could be declared wanted or face criminal charges,” Boyanik stated.

On December 8, the UN Monitoring Mission for Human Rights in Ukraine presented its 16th report on the human rights situation in Ukraine, which notes the systematic violation of human rights in the annexed Crimea.

  Ukraine, Russia, Crimea, human rights violations
