600 foreign merchant ships have docked in the Crimea in the last two years

Over the last two years, 602 foreign ships that had visited the annexed Crimea were added to Ukraine’s “black list”. This number was provided by journalists of the “Schemes” TV program through a special journalistic investigation titled “Crimean corsairs”.

The journalists were able to determine that most of these vessels had a Russian registration or a Russian flag. However, European ships were also trading with the Crimea.

These journalists reported that over the last two years, 24 ships that visited Crimea had flags belonging to the EU countries. In addition, 43 ships were registered in the EU and 22 ships belonged to beneficiaries of the EU.

“Schemes. Corruption in detail” is an investigative journalism television program. It is a joint project between Radio Liberty and 1TV Ukraine channel.

  Ukraine, Crimea, Russia
