Zelensky's Office rejects Trump's proposal to cede territories to Russia

Ukraine does not plan to compromise with Russia by giving up any territories in exchange for ending the war, said the head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak.

According to Andriy Yermak, Kyiv has received bipartisan support in Washington, and polls indicate that a majority of Americans continue to support Ukraine after two years of full-scale combat.

Andriy Yermak informed journalists in Washington that Kyiv is ready to listen to any advice on achieving a "fair peace" in the war that began with Russia's invasion in February 2022.

“But we are not ready to compromise on issues of independence, freedom, democracy, territorial integrity, and sovereignty,” Yermak said.

Yermak’s visit to Washington comes ahead of a NATO summit, which will take place next week in the US capital. Ukraine is expected to be the main topic of the summit.

Donald Trump, the Republican candidate challenging President Joe Biden, said during recent debates that if elected in November, he would quickly resolve the war in Ukraine before taking office in January. However, he did not provide details of his plan.

According to Reuters, two key advisors to Trump have proposed a plan that includes the threat of cutting American aid if Kyiv does not start negotiations with Moscow. However, during the debates, Trump noted that he does not support the conditions set forth by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has stated that Russia would end the war if Ukraine agrees to cede four regions in the east and south of the country.

When asked about possible actions Trump might take regarding the war, Yermak responded: "The honest answer is: I don't know. We'll see."

Yermak added that Ukraine would continue lobbying the new US administration to maintain support, emphasizing that Kyiv has received bipartisan backing in Washington, and polls show that a majority of Americans continue to support Ukraine after two years of war.

“This will be the decision of the American people. We will respect that choice,” Yermak said, referring to the upcoming US presidential election scheduled for November 5.

On July 3, Politico reported that Donald Trump is contemplating an agreement in which NATO would commit not to expand eastward, particularly in Ukraine and Georgia, and is negotiating with Russian President Vladimir Putin on how much Ukrainian territory Moscow could retain.

However, earlier on June 28, during debates with President Joe Biden, former White House head Donald Trump rejected the demands of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

  War in Ukraine, Trump, Zelensky, Yermak
