Zelensky questions Trump's claim to end Ukraine war in 24 hours

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has responded to former US President Donald Trump's claim that he could end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours.

"Everyone would be happy if a single person in the world, regardless of who it is—let's say Donald Trump—could stop the war in 24 hours. But the question is, at what cost and who will pay it," Zelensky said in an interview with BBC.

Zelensky believes that the cost would ultimately fall on Ukraine.

"I'm not suggesting that his (Trump's) idea is to make us pay. But if he wants to achieve this in 24 hours, a simple way is to force us to pay," he emphasized.

According to Zelensky, stopping the conflict would mean ceding territory and lifting sanctions.

"This would mean just stopping—giving up (territories) and forgetting. Sanctions would be lifted, Putin would gain land, and turn it into a victory for his society. We will never agree to this, and there is no one in the world who can push us toward it," Zelensky concluded.

  War in Ukraine, Trupm, Zelensky
