• The number of Russian asylum seekers to US has doubled in 2015

    This year the number of Russian nationals’ asylum applications rose dramatically. This tendency is connected with the growth of policy restrictions, corruption and discrimination for gays. Russian citizens filed 1454 asylum applications in 2015. The U.S Department of Homeland Security reports that, since Vladimir Putin returned to the president’s office, the number of asylum applications has almost doubled.

    Asylum applications are filed individually but can also include other persons, for …

  • Ukraine to return weapons if rebels continue to violate ceasefire.

    As stated by Oleksander Turchynov, secretary of Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council, at least nine ceasefire violations, committed by the Russian-terrorist troops, were recorded in the occupied territories over past 24 hours.

    The commentary of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov was posted on the official website of the Council.

    "It it not the first time that the Russian-backed militants want to disrupt the Minsk Agreements by …

  • Russia sends anti-aircraft missiles to Syria

    According to Russian Air Force commander, Russia has sent anti-aircraft missiles to Syria to protect its jets involved in airstrikes against IS militants.

    Russia has been carrying out airstrikes on Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) fighters, and other opposition groups, in Syria since the end of September at the request of President Bashar Assad, Russia's long-term ally.

    Russian officials have insisted that their military involvement in Syria will be limited to an air force operation. …

  • Putin signs a law allowing to seize foreign assets

    On Wednesday November 4, Russia’s president has signed legislation enabling countermeasures in the case of the wrongful arrest of Russian state property abroad.

    The law, based on reciprocity, curtails the jurisdictional immunity of the country in question if not agreed otherwise.

     The law will come into effect in 2016.

    The law shall be applicable to all property, including rental, which is administered by the foreign State. The document is available on the official portal of legal …

  • Nine European leaders concerned over Russia's aggressive stance

    Leaders of nine countries have issued a joint statement at the Central European Summit in the Romanian capital of Bucharest.

    They expressed grave concern over Russia's "continuing aggressive posturing" and backed a sustainable NATO military presence in the region.

    "We will stand firm on the need for Russia to return to respect of international law as well as of its international obligations, responsibilities and commitments as a pre-condition for a NATO–Russia relationship based on trust and …