Ukraine sets new distance record with 1,520 km UAV strike on Russian territory

A Ukrainian UAV fell at a record distance from the front line, setting a new milestone. The drone crashed in the vicinity of the Russian city of Orsk, according to reports from ORSK.RU and, citing sources. Orsk is 140 km further from the front line than Salavat in Bashkortostan, which previously held the record for the furthest drone strike from Ukrainian positions.

This marks the first time a Ukrainian drone has covered a distance of 1,520 kilometres.

ORSK.RU was the first to report the drone's crash. The target might have been a military facility, stated, citing law enforcement sources. Regional authorities stated that there is no confirmed information about the drone crash, according to

The farthest attack prior to this targeted the Gazprom Neftekhim refinery in Salavat on May 9. Salavat is 1,380 kilometres in a straight line from Kramatorsk, a city in Ukraine controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The distance from Kramatorsk to Orsk is 1,520 kilometres. The actual distance the drone must travel to Orsk is even greater as it needs to navigate around northern Kazakhstan territories.

Orsk houses the NEFTEORGSINTEZ refinery and the Orsk Mechanical Plant, which produces artillery shells.

On the morning of April 21, several Ukrainian drones attacked a factory in Elabuga , Republic of Tatarstan, Russia.

  War in Ukraine, drone attack, Russia
