South Korea reconsiders arms shipments to Ukraine following North Korea-Russia military pact

The South Korean government has announced that it will review its stance on arms shipments to Ukraine following the signing of a treaty between North Korea and Russia, which includes a mutual commitment to provide immediate military assistance if either country is attacked, reports the South Korean news agency Yonhap.

"We plan to reconsider the provision of arms to Ukraine," stated National Security Adviser Jang Ho-jin.

The publication highlights that Jang hinted at a shift in South Korea's policy on not providing lethal aid to Ukraine.

The official said that South Korea would maintain strategic ambiguity regarding the types of weapons.

"Specific measures will be disclosed later, and it will be interesting to see how Russia reacts, rather than unveiling our plans in advance," stated Jang.

The South Korean politician also expressed "serious concern" and condemned the signing of a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between North Korea and Russia, aimed at strengthening mutual military and economic cooperation.

He stressed that any cooperation that directly or indirectly contributes to North Korea's military strengthening violates United Nations Security Council resolutions and would be subject to international investigation and sanctions, vowing to take appropriate measures.

It is also reported that South Korea will impose additional sanctions on four ships, five organisations, and eight individuals involved in the transfer of arms and oil between Russia and North Korea.

  War in Ukraine, South Korea, North Korea, Russia
