South Africa blocks ammunition shipments to Poland, fearing Ukraine transfer

The South African government stopped the shipments to Poland, fearing they might be transferred to Ukraine, reports the Polish news outlet Rzeczpospolita.

Poland placed the order with German company Rheinmetall a few months after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Now, nearly two years later, Poland has not received a single round.

According to representatives from Poland’s Defense Ministry, the contract was terminated in July 2023 due to issues with a subcontractor. The ammunition was supposed to be manufactured by Rheinmetall Denel Munition, a South African subsidiary of Rheinmetall that owns 51% of its shares. This entity was the "problematic subcontractor" cited by Polish defense officials.

The ammunition deliveries were blocked — either directly or indirectly — by the South African government, which feared the shipments might end up in Ukraine. South Africa is part of the BRICS alliance with Russia.

Currently, Poland does not produce its own 155mm ammunition and is therefore required to purchase them externally, which has proven challenging. The German company’s handling of Warsaw reportedly underscores the urgent need for Poland to start domestic artillery shell production.

Should Poland find itself at war, foreign deliveries could be hindered by logistics or politics, posing a significant risk.

Earlier, on August 5, it was reported that the Czech Republic is facing unexpected obstacles in its ammunition supplies to Ukraine. Prices for ammunition on the international market have quadrupled since 2022, according to NZZ, with the party that pays upfront reaping the benefits — a strategy often utilized by the Russians.

  War in Ukraine, South Africa, Rheinmetall, Poland
