Slovakia backs Czech effort to supply artillery shells to Ukraine

Slovakia is supporting the Czech initiative to procure artillery shells for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, President Peter Pellegrini announced during his visit to the Czech Republic.

Pellegrini highlighted that Bratislava supports Kyiv through various means that are not often publicised, including the provision of electricity to prevent a collapse of the Ukrainian energy system.

The Slovak President also confirmed that the country is participating in support of the Czech initiative to purchase ammunition for Ukraine.

"Thanks to our manufacturing capacities, we will make a significant contribution to the success of the Czech initiative to procure ammunition,” Pellegrini noted.

According to him, Slovakia has increased the production and repair of shells of the necessary calibres.

"A significant portion of the ammunition collected by the Czechs will be restored and produced directly at Slovak factories," he emphasised.

In October 2023, Slovakia halted government military assistance to Ukraine.

In April 2024, Slovak citizens launched a campaign to support Ukraine, creating a website to raise funds for the purchase of shells for Ukraine.

On 27 April, Prime Minister Fico responded to the citizens' initiative. He stated that "he has nothing to say to those who think that bullets and bombs are more important than cancer patients in their country."

  War in Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech Republic
