Russian military officer defects to Ukraine after detonating grenade at Russian command center

A Russian military officer has defected to Ukraine after orchestrating an explosion at the headquarters of "Storm Z", a unit housing Russian officers. The incident, reported by Ukraine's Defense Intelligence, marks a significant operation amid ongoing hostilities.

The operation, dubbed "Kamish" (Reed), was a collaborative effort between the "I Want to Live" project and the "Freedom of Russia" Legion. According to Ukrainian sources, the defection was motivated by continuous military abuses, unlawful executions, beatings, and extortion by the Russian command.

In the winter of 2024, a Russian FPV drone operator, known by the callsign "Silver", reached out to the "Freedom of Russia" Legion. His decision to defect followed intolerable conditions and moral objections to the misconduct within his unit.

Coordination with "Silver" provided Ukraine with vital intelligence regarding the positioning, strength, and strategies of Russian forces along a specific front line.

Seizing a moment of opportunity, the defector detonated a grenade through a pipe above the sleeping quarters of the Storm Z leadership. "Around 15 people were in the basement. A pipe ran directly over the bed where the commander slept. It went outside near the entrance, and we decided to drop a grenade or two through it so they would explode nearby," he recounted.

Following the explosion, the soldier executed a pre-planned escape to Ukrainian-controlled territory. He has since joined the "Freedom of Russia" Legion, committing to fight against Putin's regime.

  War in Ukraine, GUR
