• Russian Foreign Ministry: Ukraine is preparing to return the Donbas using military means

    The Russian Foreign Ministry believes that Ukrainian authorities are preparing for a power struggle to secure the return of the Donbas, according to the State Secretary and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Grigory Karasin, as stated in an interview with TASS.

    According to him, "those activities carried out by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the vicinity of the contact line, including the rotation of the military and the strengthening of military components, are …

  • Latvia detects Russian warships near its territorial waters

    The Latvian National Armed Forces has detected Russian warships in its economic zone.

    "In the Latvian economic zone, at a distance of 20 nautical miles from the state border, armed forces detected a Russian warship of the Steregushchiy class, a submarine technical support vessel of Kashtan class and the Kilo class submarine," this was stated in a message on the Armed Forces of Latvia’s Twitter page.

    It is worth noting that NATO counted 250 recent interceptions of Russian military aircraft in …

  • Russia supplies Kurdish Peshmerga with weapons

    Russia has supplied Iraqi Kurds with five ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft guns, as reported by RIA Novosti.  The weapons were transferred on March 14th in the presence the Russian Consulate General and Russian Ambassador, as well of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces.

     "The arms shipment came the day before yesterday, on the 14th of March, and was intended for the armed forces of Iraqi Kurdistan — the Peshmerga. The weapons were transferred in the presence of the …

  • Naftogaz to expand its claims against Gazprom

    As of the first quarter of 2016, NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine will increase its claims against Gazprom up to $1 billion under the gas transit contract, as reported by Business Development Director, Yury Vitrenko, on his Facebook page. “We will receive nearly $1 billion from Gazprom for the first quarter of 2016 for underpayment of gas transit costs,” he said.

    According to Vitrenko, the claims under the gas purchase contract will be also expanded.

    “Both parties will expand their claims before the …

  • US Secretary of State to meet with Putin in Moscow

    US Secretary of State, John Kerry, will visit Moscow next week to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He said this on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, Reuters reported.

    The purpose of his visit will be to discuss further settlements of the conflict in Syria. However, he stressed that the world has received the best opportunity to end the conflict in Syria with the withdrawal of the Russian Forces.

    In turn, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia confirmed the possibility of the US Secretary …