• Russian bond market enters downward spiral

    Russia’s government debt market continues to plummet into the abyss, dragging the ruble alongside it, despite the Russian Finance Ministry’s calls for investors not to panic, writes finanz.ru.

    The price of Russian government bonds has fallen for four consecutive days, and the currency exchange rate is approaching 70 rubles per US dollar, due to reports that US senators have begun discussing a new sanction package based on the Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression Act.

    The …

  • Media: $30 billion of Russian money passed through Danske Bank in Estonia

    Danske Bank in Copenhagen is slipping deeper into what may become the largest European money-laundering scandal, the Frankfurter Rundschau writes.

    Recently the media obtained information that “after inspection of documents from the bank’s internal investigation, it came out that in 2013 alone, $30 billion (€ 25.8 billion) from suspicious Russian sources passed through the bank’s branch in Estonia”.

    The volume of illicit monetary flows greatly exceeds the $10 billion of Russian dirty money …

  • Hundreds detained in Russia during anti-pension reform rallies

    On Sunday, September 9, during the Single Voting Day, rallies against increasing the retirement age have been held across Russia. According to the organizers, the team of the Russian opposition politician, Alexei Navalny, the rallies took place in 83 cities.  Authorities in some cities, Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, didn’t approve the rallies. It is reported that 2000 people gathered on the sidewalk in front of Finlyandsky railway Station in Saint-Petersburg.

    Immediately aftre the beginning of …

  • Kyiv: 700 residents of Kherson region evacuated due to risk of chemical poisoning from emissions in Crimea

    The Ukrainian Ministry for Temporarily Occupied Territories  said on September 8 that there was no need to evacuate the entire Kherson region because there have been no recorded cases of chemical poisoning due to emissions from the Titan factory in the Crimea. At the same time, about two thousand children will be transferred to Skadovsk for their health and safety.

    The Ministry sent two hundred people to Skadovsk on September 7 and then another five hundred people the day after. The Kherson …

  • Ukraine to appeal to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons regarding toxic emissions in Crimea

    Ukraine will submit an appeal to the international Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) regarding chemical emissions and air pollution at the plant Crimean Titan plant" in the territory of the Crimea, said the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Mariana Betsa on Channel 5.

    According to Betsa, currently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs collects all the information from the competent authorities, including necessary materials and evidence of the …