Pro-Ukrainian resistance fighters in Kursk call for expulsion of Russian army

In a video message, a participant of the pro-Ukrainian Kursk resistance has made a fervent plea, stating that Russian soldiers, who have left their peaceful homes to fight for money, are unwelcome in the region.

The resistance group invites locals to join and assist in eliminating the Russian army, said the men calling themselves the "Kursk Resistance," asserting that no one in Kursk is waiting for the Russian soldiers.

“We, the Kursk Resistance, send our regards to our guests from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Try not to destroy everything here. To our army, we say, you are not welcome here," stated one member, noting that there were never any problems with Ukrainians, and they were never shelled until the Russians arrived.

A masked man in the video added that the Russian military, who have come from their warm, peaceful homes to fight for money, should go back.

“Get the hell out of Kursk region. You are not welcome here,” he declared.

The resistance members also expressed their gratitude to friends in the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces for providing weapons and other support, which they use effectively.

“Guys from Kursk, Kursk region, if you want to join us, you can find us through this website - Just indicate that you are with us,” stated the men standing before a sign reading “Sudzha”.

Earlier, pro-Ukrainian partisans have reported that Russia lost control of 800 sq. km of territory during recent fighting in the Kursk region.

To expand the area free from Kremlin control, Russians are encouraged to join the resistance and provide intelligence to units involved in the breakthrough in the Kursk region. Detailed instructions on how to do this have been shared on the Telegram channel of the Legion "Freedom of Russia".

On August 9, Ukrainian forces took control of Sudzha in the Kursk region. They assured that the city remains calm and all houses are intact. Meanwhile, the "strategic object" of Gazprom (gas transmitting station) in Sudzha is under the control of the 99th Battalion of the 61st Brigade. However, there has been no official confirmation regarding the capture of Sudzha in the Kursk region.

  War in Ukraine, Sudzha, Kursk
