Polish Deputy Foreign Minister criticizes Hungary for pro-Russian stance

In a stark contrast to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Poland refuses to engage in business with Russia, declared Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski. He emphasized that the current policies of the Hungarian leader are anti-European, anti-Ukrainian, and anti-Polish, as reported by PAP.

"I genuinely do not understand why Hungary wants to remain a member of organizations it dislikes so much [the EU and NATO] and that supposedly treat it poorly. Why doesn't [Orban] create an alliance with [Russian president Vladimir] Putin and some other authoritarian states of that kind?" said the Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland.

Polish journalists point out that during his visit to Tusnádfürdő, Romania on July 27, Orbán referred to Poland's policies as "hypocritical." He claimed that the Poles criticize Hungary for its relations with Russia while allegedly "doing business with Russia through intermediaries." The Hungarian Prime Minister also criticized Western policies and accused Warsaw of shifting the power balance in Europe by weakening the Berlin-Paris axis in favor of a new configuration: London, Warsaw, Kyiv, the Baltic states, and Scandinavia.

During the same visit to Romania, Orbán called Ukraine a strong state although he expressed the opinion that Kyiv would not become a member of the EU or NATO.

  Poland, Orban, Hungary, War in Ukraine
