Nine Killed in Xenophobic Attacks in Russia in 2015
Several dozen people were injured and nine were killed in attacks fueled by radical xenophobia in Russia in 2015. According to the SOVA Human Rights Center for Information and Analysis, Moscow and St. Petersburg are the main centers of ethnic and racial violence in Russia.
"The level of violence is still the highest in Moscow (3 dead, 26 wounded) and St. Petersburg (3 dead, 14 wounded). There are a noticeable number of victims in Moscow [oblast] (5 injured), Samara and Novosibirsk regions (3 wounded),” human the rights activists told Interfax.
SOVA reported that in 2015, according to incomplete data, in attacks motivated by xenophobia and ethnic intolerance in 17 regions of Russia, 9 people were killed and at least 68 injured. Victims of the attacks by the far-right were mostly natives of Central Asia and the Caucasus.
Among the victims were representatives of sexual minorities and the homeless. SOVA continues to monitor cases of radical xenophobia in Russia.