Negotiations stalled: Russia and Iran suspend preparations for comprehensive cooperation agreement

Negotiations on a new comprehensive cooperation agreement between Moscow and Tehran have been halted, reports RIA Novosti, citing the Director of the Second Asian Department of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zamir Kabulov.

"The decision to sign a new comprehensive cooperation agreement between Moscow and Tehran has never lost its relevance and is not connected to recent events," he stated. "It is a strategic decision by the leadership of both countries. The process has understandably slowed due to issues on the Iranian side."

However, the Russian foreign ministry representative expressed confidence that the work "will be completed before the agreement text is finalized," after which the leaders of Russia and Iran will decide on the time and place of signing.

The progress of the new extensive agreement between Russia and Iran came to light in September 2022, when Russian President Vladimir Putin and the late President of the Islamic Republic, Ebrahim Raisi, discussed the matter at the SCO summit in Samarkand. The same Zamir Kabulov reported in May this year that the updated comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between Russia and Iran was undergoing a new approval process due to amendments from the Iranian side, with no fixed date for its signing yet.

In June this year, the G7 countries (Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada, France, Japan, and the US) condemned the military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, and urged Iran to cease supporting the Russian army. They also promised to impose sanctions against organizations and individuals aiding Russia in acquiring materials, technologies, and equipment for its military-industrial complex.

On May 19, a helicopter transporting Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and other officials, crashed in the Verzeghan area in the northwest of the country. On the morning of May 20, Iranian Vice-President Mohsen Mansuri confirmed reports of the president and his delegation's death in the helicopter crash. A new presidential election is scheduled in the country for June 28.

  Russia, Iran
