Kremlin prepares Russians for prolonged clashes in Kursk region, pushes 'New Normal' narrative

In a significant development, the Kremlin is reportedly anticipating that the ongoing clashes in the Kursk region could last several months, according to optimistic assessments. The Russian authorities are gearing up the public for a "new normal" under Ukrainian military control of Russian territory. This information comes from unnamed sources close to the Kremlin and the government, as reported by Meduza.

One source close to the Kremlin revealed that there was initial confusion regarding the strength and duration of the Ukrainian forces' incursion. "Initially, it was unclear what kind of forces the Ukrainian military came with or how long they intended to stay. Now, there is a clearer understanding, which always helps," the source explained.

While no major urban centers are immediately at risk, the mere entry and control of villages by the Ukrainian forces on Russian soil marks a new and troubling development, the source added.

Survey data indicates that anxiety among Russians has surged by 6%, reaching 45%. To soothe these growing concerns, the Kremlin is employing propaganda to prepare Russians for life under this "new reality" and "new normal." These terms were notably used by Russian propagandists during the pandemic and at the outset of the war with Ukraine.

The Kremlin's narrative for this "new reality" includes several key points: "the enemy has indeed breached Russian territory; inevitable defeat awaits them; reclaiming the territories will take time, and Russians must be patient."

Officials interviewed by the publication unanimously believe that the fighting in the Kursk region could persist for several months. A government insider cautioned that this is a "fairly optimistic estimate—if everything goes well."

  War in Ukraine, Kursk, Sudzha
