More than 10 Russian military held in Ukrainian prisons

In Ukrainian prisons, there are more than 10 regular Russian military who took direct part in the military conflict in the Donbas, as stated on the NewsOne TV channel by the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Valeriya Lutkovska.

"There are 320 persons [citizens of the Russian Federation]. They are convicted of various crimes. These are not only those related to the conflict in the Donbas, but there are other issues that may arise among citizens of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. About 20 people are those who are connected with the conflict in the Donbas, or with the events in the Crimea. The rest are people who committed criminal offenses while in Ukraine," she said.

At the same time, in answering a clarifying question as to whether there any military among the Russians in Ukraine, Lutkovska replied, "Of course, there are."

"I remember approximately 11-12 names. Somewhere around that, on average. I suggested that the Russian ombudsman come here to visit them, because this would give me the opportunity to go to Russia and visit the Ukrainians and see in what condition Stanislav Klykh and Oleksandr Kolchenko are being kept, and to find out how Oleh Sentsov is feeling. Unfortunately, such a visit has not taken place yet, though there were several proposals. We agreed to update our memorandum of cooperation and I plan to do so in January. I will propose to amend the memorandum to include mutual visits to the citizens of our countries and one of the forms of cooperation," the Ombudsman said.

  Valeriya Lutkovska, Donbas conflict, Russia
