Intelligence Chief: Ukraine's advanced drones capable of striking targets deep inside Russia

The head of GUR, Kyrylo Budanov, announced that unmanned systems, developed by top specialists including members of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense (GUR), are now capable of hitting Russian military targets as far as 1,800 kilometers away.

"This year, thanks to the successful actions of our military intelligence officers, we have demonstrated to the world that the Black Sea does not belong to Russia. We forced the enemy to relocate their fleet to supposedly 'safe' distances, abandoning maritime borders they long considered theirs. However, this control is merely an illusion," Budanov remarked. "With the large-scale aggression against Ukraine, there is no longer a safe place for the Russian occupying army and its affiliated structures. Punishment may be delayed, but it will never be canceled."

Budanov also emphasized that Russia’s entire war-supporting infrastructure is suffering and will continue to suffer losses. Throughout the year, GUR cyber specialists conducted dozens of successful operations, acquiring valuable information for Ukraine and exploiting vulnerabilities in Russian databases and communication networks. This, he noted, is not the only source of intelligence on Russia's military-political command currently at GUR's disposal.

Budanov further added that GUR units are continually involved in combat missions both on the frontline and across the engagement zones. Their operations include repelling enemy attacks, evacuating wounded personnel, freeing soldiers and civilians from Russian captivity, and bringing Ukrainian citizens home from conflict zones.

  War in Ukraine, Budanov, GUR
