In a leaked wiretap, Belarusian Interior Minister reveals Lukashenko’s orders to shoot at protesters and create special detention camps

Belarusian opposition initiative By_Pol, the union of the security forces of Belarus,  posted on the Internet an audio recording, where a man, with a voice similar to the Belarusian Interior Minister Nikolai Karpenkov’s, discussing the use of weapons against protesters and the creation of special detention camps.

In the released recording, one can hear Karpenkov talking about a meeting with the self-proclaimed president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, where Lukashenko directly approves the use of weapons to suppress mass protests.

It is not specified when the recording was made, but judging by the contents, it occurred after October 29 of last year.

At the beginning of the recording, Karpenkov talks about new types of special weapons received by Belarusian law enforcement agencies which have a great force, in particular the Yarygin pistol manufactured in Russia.

"So, as Lukashenko said, use weapons, the non-lethal ones. Shoot at point-blank range, in the legs, in the stomach, in the testicles. Either maim, cripple, or kill. Use a weapon directly in the forehead, right in the face, after which they will no longer be the same. If they are saved, let it be," says Karpenkov talking to his subordinates.

He adds that if the victim "loses half of his brain" as a result, "he deserves it."

Karpenkov specified that, in addition to their usual functions, the security forces now have the task of "protecting everyone: the head of state, his entourage, and his family."

In addition, Kerpenkov also talks about the plans of the self-proclaimed President to create a special detention for an indefinite resettlement of people who took part in the protests. The camp is allegedly planned to be built in penal colony 22 in Ivatsevichy.

To this end, the Belarusian Interior Ministry has created a single information system, which collects data on all citizens detained for taking part in mass protests.

  Lukashenko, Belarus
