Estonian Orthodox Church declares independence from Moscow Patriarchate, adopts new charter

In a bold move signaling growing religious independence, the Estonian Orthodox Church under the Moscow Patriarchate (EOC MP) has officially severed its ties with the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and updated its charter, reports DW.

Under the revised charter, the church will gain full autonomy over religious affairs, economic activities, educational initiatives, and public church matters.

Earlier this year, on May 6, Estonia's parliament passed a resolution condemning the Moscow Patriarchate for supporting Russian aggression against Ukraine and called on the Estonian Orthodox Church to break its ties with the ROC.

At a recent assembly, it was decided to rename the church, removing any reference to the Moscow Patriarchate. Additionally, the assembly endorsed the synod's cooperation with state bodies and expressed confidence that any existing differences between denominations can be resolved based on canonical traditions and mutual respect.

Metropolitan Evgeny of Tallinn and All Estonia, who was expelled from the country in February this year due to his statements supporting Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, attended the assembly via videoconference.

The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs previously held consultations with the EOC clergy, urging them to shift allegiance to the Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church, which is under the patronage of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

  Estonia, Russian Orthodox Church
