Budanov: an integrated approach is essential to achieve lasting peace in Ukraine

The head of Ukraine's Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR), Lieutenant General Kyrylo Budanov, has stated that scenarios similar to those in Korea, Moldova, and Germany will not work with Russia. He has accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of "undermining the global security system."

Overcoming the destructive effect of Russian propaganda can only be achieved in two ways, Budanov explained.

According to the intelligence chief, it involves either an unforeseen emergency situation or a very long-term systematic approach, with results visible only after several decades.

“For Putin, the most important thing is internal stability. Therefore, they spend everything imaginable not only on means but also on control over media, working with society, and mass control,” emphasized Budanov.

He explained that as a result, Russia is unwilling to initiate a new wave of open mobilisation. The Kremlin fears a negative reaction from society, and, in the general's opinion, they are not mistaken.

Budanov admitted that he is a proponent of an integrated approach using both force and diplomacy in confronting Russia.

“Neither Korean, nor Moldovan, nor German scenarios will work here—it all has to end once and for all,” assured Budanov.

He noted that there are clear signs of the breakdown of the global order established after World War II. The war in Ukraine, in his view, demonstrates that "one man has undermined the global security system." The general is convinced that the world now faces a choice: either return to the old order or adapt to the advent of a new one.

In addition, Ukraine’s Air Force has commented on the new tactics of night attacks by the Russian army. The military noted that “even a country as large as Russia does not have unlimited resources.”

  War in Ukraine, Budanov
