Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • Success of Ukrainian Partisans

    Success of Ukrainian Partisans

    A brilliant operation of a Ukrainian guerilla group named after Svyatoslav Horobry brought down Yasinuvatsky Engineering Plant today.

    The plant had been used by the Russian invaders to carry out repair and restoration works on armored vehicles. As noted by Alexander Danyluk, the head of “Spilna Sprava” on his FB page. At 4:20 pm the power lines and hydro substation feeding the plant were blown up. The plant is completely stopped.

    The Russians are setting up …

  • Poltorak: We stopped one of the most powerful armies in Europe

    Poltorak: We stopped one of the most powerful armies in Europe

    One of the most powerful armies on the continent was stopped by Ukrainian army in the Donbass region, as stated on a briefing earlier today by Stepan Poltorak, Ukrainian Minister of Defense.

    "We were able to upgrade our armed forces and their combat effectiveness. In the East we stopped one of the most powerful armies in Europe and stabilized the situation. We have equipped numerous lines of fortifications," - said Poltorak, …

  • Ukrainian speakers added to MAVNI program

    Ukrainian has been added to the language list for MAVNI

      The Military Acquisitions of Vital National Interest program, or MAVNI, authorizes the military services to specifically recruit foreign nationals in high-demand healthcare specialties or who possess certain language skills in short supply

    A majority of the MAVNI recruits have been medical doctors who enlist in the U.S. Army Reserve and who receive an officer’s commission once they obtain U.S. citizenship.MAVNI recruits do not have to  …

  • Vice News - Meet the European Fighters Who Have Gone to War in Ukraine

    Meet the European Fighters Who Have Gone to War in Ukraine | VICE | United StatesThere are European soldiers fighting amid the rubble of Shyrokyne in Eastern Ukraine. They shoot from half-destroyed hotels and sleep in the basements of war-ravaged homes.

    Artillery fire colors the hill behind the town black, and darkens the sky with gray smoke. Machine guns sputter day and night, and there is occasionally the crack of a sniper rifle as soldiers dart between abandoned houses, hotels,

    apartment …

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  • Russia shelled Ukrainian territory again.

    As per the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration Press Centre,Two soldiers of the 128th Brigade were wounded during the last night shelling of the township of Stanytsya Luhanska.Russian heavy weaponry “pulled back” as per the Minsk Treaty was used again last night.This time it was the positions of the Transcarpathian 128th Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that got hit by the enemy fire from the right bank of Seversky Donets river.Both wounded were hospitalized and are receiving the …

  • Fighting intensified in the East of Ukraine

     Seven Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 13 injured over the past day in the zone of the antiterrorist operation.

    As stated by Alex Motuzyanyk, a spokesman of the presidential administration at a traditional Thursday briefing this morning.

    He said the past day reflected the intensification of fighting in the east of Ukraine.

    "During the last day of hostilities, seven Ukrainian troops were killed and another 13 injured."

    According to Motuzyanyk, these losses were sustained near the township …

  • How many Russian troops are there in Eastern Ukraine

    According to the informartion published by  “Information Resistance” group as of August 26, 2015 the following numbers of  Russian-terrorist forces are operating in the occupied areas of Eastern Ukraine

     (dynamics update for the last 2 months in brakets)

    - Personnel - up to 45 thousand. (decrease of 3-5 thousand)

    - Tanks - about 600 units. (increase of 200 units.);

    - Armored Combat Vehicles - 1430-1450 units. (decrease of more than 400 units.);

    - Artillery - approx. 770 units., Incl .:

    a) …

  • Forbes - Russia Inadvertently Posts Its Casualties In Ukraine

    Russian president Vladimir Putin has decreed that all Russian casualties “in peacetime” be a state secret. In addition to criminal charges arising from divulging state secrets, families risk losing pensions and lump-sum payments if they reveal that their sons were killed in Ukraine. Mothers of soldiers’ associations have been branded “foreign agents” for collecting data on Russian casualties.

    Dissident Boris Nemtsov was murdered shortly before completing his study of Russian casualties in …

    Read full article.

  • Project Syndicate - Putin in the Dock

    STANFORD – To read the international press, one would think that the last two years have been good ones for Russian President Vladimir Putin. His campaign in Ukraine has largely achieved its main goals; Russia has wrested control of Crimea and destabilized large portions of the rest of the country. Plunging oil prices may have wreaked havoc on Russia’s finances, but so far Putin’s popularity seems unaffected. Read more at …

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  • Turchynov - Russian troops preparing to cross Seversky Donets.

    Russian military prepared five pontoon ferries to transport forces across Seversky Donets river.As stated by the press service of Alexander Turchinov, National Security and Defense Council Secretary.According to Turchynov, the Russian Army engineering units have set up 5 pontoon ferries across the river of Seversky Donets at the site, where the river separates Ukraine and Russia, also equipping the access roads to these crossings."Thus, military infrastructure is being set up to ensure the …