Contents tagged with trump

  • Kremlin: Russia is ready to negotiate nuclear disarmament

    Russian Presidential Aide responsible for international affairs, Yuri Ushakov, commented on the United States President Donald Trump’s statements, who urged Moscow and Beijing to abandon nuclear weapons, and noted that, the U.S. themselves would like to reach such agreement.

    “First of all, it is necessary to carry out what remains (the existing agreements),” RIA Novosti quoted Ushakov’s view expressed in the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin "on the TV channel Russia 1.

    According to the …

  • Trump calls Zelensky to congratulate him on his victory in Ukraine’s presidential elections

    Volodymyr Zelensky had a phone conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump, reported Ukraynska Pravda with reference to its sources.

    "The US President, Donald Trump has just called Zelensky to congratulate him on his victory, " said the source of Ukraynska Pravda.

    A few hours after the announcement of the results of exit polls, other world leaders began to congratulate Vladimir Zelensky.

    Among them are the Polish President,Andrzej Duda, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Armenian …

  • Russia’s Federation Council: Military base in Venezuela would be 'inexpedient'

    It would be “inexpedient” to establish a Russian military base in Venezuela, commented Vladimir Dzhabarov, deputy chairperson of the Federation Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee, to the Russian news agency Interfax.

    The Russian MP made this statement the day after Trump demanded that Russia “get out” of Venezuela, a country that the Kremlin has loaned $17 billion to over the last 12 years.

    The political and economic crisis in Venezuela should be resolved through “political methods”, …

  • Israel carries out airstrike in Syria

    The Syrian news agency SANA has reported a series of explosions caused by airstrikes near the Aleppo airport and the adjacent industrial zones. Israeli fighter jets are believed to be behind the attack.

    “At around 23:00 [local time] on Wednesday, our aerial defense systems repelled an Israeli aerial attack on a number of facilities in the Shaykh Najjar industrial zone north-east of Aleppo, and shot down several missiles,” SANA cites its source as saying. The losses were reportedly limited to “ …

  • Kremlin: Russia to adjust Crimea communication strategy in light of Trump’s Golan Heights decision

    The Russian Foreign Ministry intends to adjust its communication strategy on Crimea in light of the US’s pledge to recognize Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights, the department’s spokesperson Maria Zakharova wrote on Facebook in response to a statement by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

    On Saturday, a Sky News reporter suggested that by condemning the annexation of Crimea but recognizing the annexation of the Golan Heights, the US is demonstrating double standards in its policy. Pompeo …

  • Putin and Erdogan planning a new meeting in Moscow

    The Presidents of Russia and Turkey will hold talks in Russia for the third time this year. Russia-Turkey Cross-Cultural Year will open in April under the chairmanship of Putin and Erdogan.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are planning to hold a meeting on April 8 in Moscow. The heads of the two states will hold a meeting of the High-Level Cooperation Council, Press Secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov said on Saturday, March 23.

    The …

  • Russian tycoon Oleg Deripaska sues the US Treasury Department and Secretary Steven Mnuchin

    Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska intends to make US authorities cancel the personal sanctions against him through the courts. The businessman intends to sue the US Treasury Department and Secretary Steven Mnuchin for damages equal to $7.5 billion in estimated losses.

    Deripaska’s lawsuit appeared in the US judicial database and was referred to the Court of the District of Columbia. Deripaska stated that he was included in the US sanctions as a result of the political struggle over Russia's …

  • Ukrainian military intelligence: Russia intends to further destabilize Europe

    Ukrainian military intelligence has provided the US intelligence community with proof that Russia intends to further destabilize the situation in Ukraine and Europe, announced the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (HUR MOU) following a visit by its chief Vasyl Burba to the US.

    “During talks with Robert Ashley, Director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, the leaders of the CIA and the leaders of the US intelligence community, HUR MOU Head Colonel-General …

  • Kremlin calls US actions against Nord Stream-2 'international racketeering'

    The press secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, stated that the Kremlin sees the United States’ hostile attitude towards the Russian project "Nord Stream-2" as attempts of unfair competition, reports RBC news agency.

    “We are all aware that we are dealing with attempts of unfair competition, and sometimes with actions that are actually comparable to racketeering and raiding on the international level,” he said.

    Peskov added that instead, the White House should think about how to …

  • Kyiv: US increased aid to Ukrainian defense sector by $50 million

    The press service of the Ukrainian Embassy to the US wrote on Facebook that the United States defense budget for 2020 may include $250 million to strengthen Ukraine Security.

    “The official draft of the US defense budget for 2020 includes $250 million to provide assistance and support to the military and national security force of Ukraine as part of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI). According to the document, these funds are planned to be allocated as ‘assistance and support to …