Contents tagged with trump

  • Zelensky hopes to meet with Trump soon

    At a meeting with representatives of the Administration and the US Congress, who arrived in Kyiv to participate in the official inauguration ceremony, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky expressed his hope to meet US President Donald Trump soon, reports the Press-service of the President.

    "The United States is a powerful and significant partner for Ukraine, primarily in overcoming Russia's aggression. We will not be able to overcome Russian aggression in the Donbas and Crimea on our own. …

  • Kremlin: Moscow awaits U.S. decision on possible Trump and Putin meeting in Osaka

    The Kremlin expressed hope that the meeting between the U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will take place, stating that Moscow did not receive a definite decision on this matter from Washington, reports the Interfax news agency.

    “We know that Trump has spoken of his desire to meet, but unfortunately we can also state that, unfortunately, (the U.S .Secretary of State Mike) Pompeo did not bring any concrete proposals about organizing such a meeting on the sidelines …

  • Media: U.S. State Department to appoint a charge d'affaires instead of ambassador to Ukraine

    The U.S. Department of State considers appointing a chargé d'affaires instead of ambassador in Ukraine, reports with reference to its own diplomatic sources.

    According to the publication, the most likely appointment to this position is William Taylor, who served as an ambassador in Kyiv in 2006-2009.

    “The Department of State made a proposal, which is still being considered by the executive vice president of the United States Institute for Peace,” the publication writes.

    “Shortly, a …

  • US State Department prepares second package of sanctions against Russia for Skripal poisonings

    The US Department of State sent a second package of sanctions related to the poisonings of a former officer of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Russia, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter which took place in the UK to the head of department, Mike Pompeo, and the president of the United States, Donald Trump.

    Deputy Secretary of State Andrea Thompson spoke on the issue at a Senate hearing, as reported by Radio Svoboda.

    Thompson called the new sanctions part of an expanded strategy towards …

  • Giuliani: US Ambassador to Ukraine Yovanovitch opposed Trump’s policies

    In an interview with Inter TV journalist Dmitry Anopchenko published on Facebook, Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani said that US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch has opposed Trump’s policies.

    “Yes, part of the problem that was created for us here in the US was the ambassador who has now been removed. She, too, was part of all these efforts against President Trump. Roughly a year ago one of the congressmen said that she was assuring the Ukrainian officials that President Trump was …

  • Giuliani accuses Zelensky’s team of hostility towards Trump

    Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani claims that there has been “a corrupt exchange of information” between the Ukrainians on the one hand, and Hillary Clinton’s headquarters and the US embassy in Kyiv on the other.

    Ukraine’s President-elect Volodymyr Zelensky finds himself in the hands of people who are clearly opposed to Donald Trump, Giuliani told the Ukrainian TV channel Inter in an interview. Excerpts from the interview were published on the TV channel’s Facebook page.

    Trump’s attorney …

  • Putin and Pompeo met for an hour and a half

    The meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, which took place on Tuesday, May 14, in Sochi, lasted 1.5 hours as reported by Interfax.

    Presidential Aide for International Affairs Yury Ushakov and Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin represented Russia at the meeting. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman, Special Representative for Syria James Jeffrey and Acting Deputy Secretary of State Philip Reeker …

  • US urges Hungary to behave ‘more responsibly’ in the conflict with Ukraine

    US President Donald Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will hold talks in the White House on May 13.

    According to the representative of the US President’s administration, the United States is concerned about the fact that Hungary is trying to bring the dispute with Ukraine to the international level. The US suggests Hungary resolve all issues directly with the authorities in Kyiv and "through diplomatic channels."

    The official also noted that Hungary should act "more responsibly" …

  • Kremlin: Putin has no plans to meet Trump in Osaka

    Responding to a question from journalists about a possible meeting between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Japan, the Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the preparation for it has not yet been initiated.

    "We have not planned the meeting; we did not talk about the meeting" — TASS quotes Peskov.

    At the same time, the Press Secretary of the President said that Putin's meeting with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is due to arrive in Sochi on 13-14 May, is …

  • Congress urges Trump to reinstate Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch

    The decision to prematurely recall US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch has been criticized by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which is led by members of the Democratic Party, Voice of America reports.

    “The Administration is harming American interests and undermining American diplomacy. We call on the Administration to reverse this decision immediately,” said Democrat Congressman Eliot Engel and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer in a statement.

    “Ambassador Yovanovitch is a …