Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia: U.S. decision to deploy anti-missile defense system in South Korea is destabilizing

    Russia calls on the United States and South Korea to reconsider the advisability of deploying a missile defense system in the region. This was stated by Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Gennadiy Gatilov, RIA Novosti reported.According to Gatilov, this step is destabilizing.

    "An additional destabilizing factor in the region is the decision taken last year by Washington and Seoul - in the wake of the vicious logic of creating a global missile defense system - the decision to deploy …

  • Macron denied Russian media a presence at his pre-election events

    French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron excludes the possibility of the presence of journalists from Russian state-run media Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik at his pre-election events. A spokesman from the headquarters of the leader of the independent movement "En Marche!" (“Forward!”) announced this on Friday, April 28.  

    According to the spokesman, the reason for this decision is that the Kremlin-funded television channel and the news agency disseminate "false information" about the …

  • The Deputy Head of the National Bank of Ukraine said Russian banks have no future in Ukraine

    Banks that are partly owned by Russia should be able to “calmly and without panic” withdraw from the Ukrainian market where they have no future, the Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), Katerina Rozhkova said in an interview with Minfin web site.

    “There is no development for Russian banks here. This should be clear to everyone. On the other hand, as a regulator, we believe that the exit from the market should be civilized. No one should get bricked. Let the banks have the …

  • Speaker on Ukraine in PACE: Russia manipulated me

    Spanish MP, Jordi Xuclà, who traveled to Syria along with PACE President, Pedro Agramunt, said that the visit to the country would ultimately be useful, as it will make Europe understand how much Russians manipulate information, Yevropeiska Pravda newspaper reports.

    Xuclà is PACE’s rapporteur on Ukraine and the leader of the liberal group (ALDE) in the Assembly.

    "You see, I learned a lot during my trip to Syria, and most importantly, I learned a lot about Russia's ability to manipulate and …

  • Russian Almaz-Antey corporation is developing anti-satellite electronic warfare systems

    On April 24, RIA Novosti reported that the state-owned Aerospace Defense company Almaz-Antey has been tasked by the Russian leadership to develop new electronic warfare complexes that are capable of neutralizing enemy satellites, General Designer Pavel Sozinov said in an interview with the National Defense magazine.

    "In accordance with the instructions of the country's leadership, we are conducting a research to solve the problem of counteracting space-based equipment. This concerns the …

  • Human rights activist: At least 1,500 Russian soldiers have died in the Donbas

    At least 1,500 Russian soldiers were killed and about 5,000 more were injured in the Ukrainian Donbas during Russia’s aggression in the region, according to Valentina Melnikova, a human rights activist and leader of the Union of the Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia.

    "We believe that Russia’s losses in Ukraine make up at least half of the Ukrainian army’s losses... A minimum of 1,500 Russian soldiers were killed. That means that almost 5,000 more were wounded, and maybe even more... I …

  • Russian diplomat designated one of the priority topics of the first meeting between Putin and Trump

    At their first meeting, the presidents of the United States and Russia will discuss "the full range of bilateral issues and the issues of the international agenda." This was reported by Kommersant newspaper, citing Andrey Krutskikh, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on Issues of International Cooperation in the Field of Information Security.

    "The topic of stability, trust and security in cyberspace may become one of the priorities," said Krutskikh.

    According to …

  • Russian fleet to receive first stealth submarine with Kalibr cruise missiles in 2018

    Next year the Russian Navy will receive the first multipurpose nuclear submarine of project 971 after it has been upgraded with a Kalibr cruise missile system. This was reported by the newspaper Izvestiya with reference to Evgeniy Gladyshev, representative of the Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center.

    Leopard, the first upgraded vessel of project 971M, will be received by the Navy in 2018. With their technical and military characteristics, the modernized vessels will meet the fleet requirements for a …

  • Estonian Defense Minister: Russian forces may remain in Belarus after Zapad-2017 military exercises

    Estonian Defense Minister Margus Tsahkna believes that Russian forces may remain in Belarus after September’s “Zapad 2017” exercises.

    According to Tsahkna, Estonia and other NATO countries possess intelligence data according to which the Russian forces may remain in Belarus after completing the exercises. He added that more than 4000 train cars will be used to transport troops and equipment from Russia to Belarus, which also indicates the possibility of a military base being deployed.

    “For …

  • Russia announces possible meeting between Tillerson and Lavrov in Alaska

    A meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of General Rex Tillerson may be held during a conference of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Arctic Council, Russia’s TASS news agency reports citing Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Ryabkov.

    In particular, according to Ryabkov, Lavrov and Tillerson need to continue their conversation on the topic of Syria and other facets where there are differences between the U.S. and Russia. "This is the …