Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia submits its own resolution to UN Security Council on deploying peacekeepers in Donbas

    Russia has sent the head of the UN Security Council a draft resolution on bringing a peacekeeping mission to the Donbas, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya announced on Tuesday, RIA Novosti reported.

    “Today we have sent the relevant draft resolution to the chairman of the UN Security Council and the secretary-general. We hope that soon it will be distributed among the council members. We intend to hold the relevant consultations on the expert level, and …

  • Media: Dutch authorities investigating possible involvement of Dutch companies in construction of Kerch Bridge

    Dutch authorities will verify the legality of the participation of two Dutch companies in the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait, as stated by the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands, Lilianne Ploumen, reported Dutch state broadcasting organization NOS.

    According to Lilianne Ploumen, even if there were no violations of the law, the Dutch government "expects that companies will conduct international business that is socially responsible." She …

  • Ukrainian journalist: North Korean hydrogen bomb could not have been developed without Russia’s help

    North Korea has developed a hydrogen bomb, most likely with Russia’s assistance, as stated by Ukrainian journalist Alexander Demchenko on Ukrainian Channel 5.

    "I am more than sure that the hydrogen bomb, allegedly developed by North Koreans, was not made without the Russian Federation’s and the Kremlin’s participation, because China and the Russian Federation have these technologies. And surely, Americans do as well, but they will not share such technology. China would not do that either …

  • Media: Russia prepares a bill allowing for expulsions of foreign citizens due to 'undesirable behavior'

    The Federation Council of the Russian Federation is preparing a bill that would provide for the expulsion of foreign citizens from Russia for "undesirable behavior." The Russian publication Izvestia wrote about this, citing its own sources.

    "Unwanted behavior" is understood as activities that damage the national security of Russia. Russian citizens will be threated with criminal and administrative responsibility; foreigners will face expulsion from the country.

    As the sources told the …

  • Media: Cost of the Kerch Bridge is three times higher than the price of the longest bridge in the world

    The cost of the Kerch Bridge, which is about 19 kilometers long, is almost three times higher than the cost of the Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge, a bridge 164.8 kilometers long between Shanghai and Beijing, reports website

    Chinese engineers erected the Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct Chinese in two years. About nine kilometers of the bridge is built above the surface of the water. In addition to the highway, a high-speed railway line has also been laid there. The entire project cost …

  • Ukrainian journalist admits taking part in undermining stability in Ukraine at Russia’s orders

    Pavlo Zolotarev, also known as Pavlo Miasoyedov is a Zaporizhia journalist and head of the local editorial board of the news agency New Region. He admitted in court his guilt in encroachment on the territorial integrity of Ukraine, as reported by the city’s local website  with reference to the court register.

    In February, the head of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine), Vasily Gritsak and Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko reported at a briefing that Zaporizhia journalist Zolotarev had …

  • Head of Chechnya Kadyrov says he is ready to oppose Russia because of Myanmar

    During an Instagram video broadcast, which was later uploaded to YouTube , the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, said he is ready to oppose Russia if the country’s authorities support the current government of Myanmar, which oppresses Muslims.

    “Even if Russia supports those Shaitans who commit crimes, I am against Russia’s position. I have my own vision, my position,” he stressed.

    Kadyrov said that it has been suggested to him many times to send troops to Myanmar, but he cannot …

  • Two Russian soldiers killed in Syria

    Two Russian contract soldiers were killed in the province of Deir ez-Zor in Syria during an ISIS bombing attack, RIA Novosti reported.

    "The military contractors were escorting the convoy of the Russian Center for Reconciliation. In the province of Deir ez-Zor the convoy came under a mortar attack by ISIS terrorists. As a result of the shelling, one Russian serviceman was killed, another one was seriously injured," according to the statement by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. …

  • Russia begins exercises of Strategic Missile Forces

    Russia has begun drills for the strategic missile forces. 11 regiments of the Topol, Topol-M and Yars missile systems have been brought out to the combat patrol routes, the Russian Defense Ministry press service announced.

    The patrolling will take place from the Tver to the Irkutsk province. During the exercises, a third of the regiments will carry out intensive maneuvers.

    “In addition to the tasks and introductions relating to bringing the units to various levels of combat readiness, as well …

  • Kremlin: Russia will respond to deployment of U.S. missile defense systems in South Korea

    The deployment of the U.S. THAAD missile defense system near the Russian border may raise a question about Moscow’s military response, as stated by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov.

    “If all this happens at such an alarming rate, it is inevitable that at some point, perhaps, the question will arise about our reaction in the military sense of the word, in the creation of some kind of counterbalance. I do not want to anticipate anything. But you can’t take this or that thing out of context,” …