Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian Gazprom shows loss for first time in 19 years

    For the first time in 19 years, the Russian gas monopoly Gazprom has shown a net loss for a total of nine months straight.

    According to Interfax's calculations, based on Gazprom’s data, the amount of the loss was $157.8 million.

    Losses in individual quarters are not unusual for Gazprom. But the Russian gas giant has not suffered these kinds of losses in the last 19 years. The last time was in 1998 when Russia experienced an economic crisis. That year the joint-stock company ended the year …

  • Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN: new demands on Russia included in the updated 'Crimean' UN resolution

    The draft of the updated resolution "The Situation of Human Rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, Ukraine", which the Ukrainian delegation presented on Tuesday at the third committee of the UN General Assembly, contains a number of new demands on Russia, as well as an appeal to the organization’s Secretary-General regarding coordination of UN entities in the Crimea.

    This was discussed by Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the UN, Voldymyr Yelchenko, reports Ukrinform. …

  • International Olympic Committee suspends two Russian skiers for life over doping

    The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has banned Russian skiers Alexander Legkov and Evgeniy Belov from participating in the Olympic Games for life, Radio Liberty reported.

    The Russian citizens were found guilty of using dope, and the athletes' performance results at the 2014 Sochi Olympics have been annulled. Legkov and Belov intend to appeal against the IOC’s decision.

    Earlier, the national anti-doping agencies of 17 countries demanded the removal of Russia from the 2018 Olympics in …

  • Subsidiary of Russian Gazprom spends nearly $1 million on lobbyists in the US

    Between July and September, the Swiss company Nord Stream 2, which is planning the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from the Russian coast to Germany, spent at least $880 000 on lobbying their own interests in Washington with respect to the implementation of the project under the new US sanctions, RBC reports. Nord Stream 2, which is 100% owned by Gazprom, approached three lobbying firms, making contracts with them in July, before US President Donald Trump signed CAATSA, the new …

  • Russia's law banning anonymizers goes into effect

    On November 1, Russia’s law that prohibits the use of anonymizers and VPN services went into effect.

    Under this law Roskomnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media) must create and maintain a Federal State Information System (FGIS) which contains a list of prohibited resources.

    The press service told TASS news agency that the FGIS is now established and is being tested. Kaspersky Lab, Opera Software AS, Mail.RU and Yandex are …

  • Russia grants asylum to participant in attempted coup in Montenegro

    Montenegrin citizen Ananije Nikić, accused in his home country of involvement in an attempted coup d'état in October 2016, has been granted political asylum in Russia, reported the Montenegrin news outlet Pobjeda with reference to the Montenegrin Ministry of Justice. The article also notes that Montenegro was notified of the decision by the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO).

    Nikić was placed on the wanted list following an unsuccessful attempted coup in Montenegro. The investigation …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister suggests introducing biometric visas with Russia

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, spoke in favor of introducing additional control over the movement of Russian citizens in Ukraine, including the biometric visa program with Russia, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    "At the same time, we must understand that we need additional control over the movement of Russian citizens and over everything that the Russian Special Services are doing here, and this is what the changes that will be introduced on January 1st are aimed at," he …

  • Gas pipeline damaged in Crimea, Russian authorities call it an act of sabotage

    A gas pipeline was damaged in the Crimea on Tuesday evening, RBC news agency reports.

    According to RBC agency, the Russian National Anti-Terrorist Committee stated they were looking into possible act sabotage.

    As reported by the agency, the gas distribution station near Crimean city of Alushta experienced a drop in the gas pressure on Tuesday evening, October 31.  At the same time the power supply to the city was disrupted due to a collapse of a power line support pylon.  According to the …

  • Lavrov calls UN peacekeepers in the Donbas 'occupying forces'

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov considers US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker's statement on the mandatory withdrawal of Russian troops from the Donbas to contradict the efforts of the Normandy format countries.

    "There is a way forward: it is an unswerving, conscientious implementation of the Minsk agreements. This has long been carefully handled by the assistants of our leaders in the Normandy format, who agree on a 'road map' that synchronizes steps that increase …

  • Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Poland will not stop trying to reclaim the fragments of Lech Kaczynski’s plane

    After Poland becomes a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, the return of Tu-154M wreckage will be brought to a higher diplomatic level, said Polish Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Dziedziczak, Radio Poland reports.

    According to him, the ministry does not intend to stop trying to get back the wreckage of the Polish Tu-154M Presidential Plane that crashed near Smolensk in 2010. He stressed that this issue was raised more than a dozen times during the talks at the ministerial …