Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukrainian Defense Ministry: 4000 soldiers and 200 SBU staff left for Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea

    After Russia’s annexation of Crimea, 3991 of the 13468 Ukrainian military personnel moved to mainland Ukraine. This was the Defense Ministry’s response to MP Dmitry Tymchuk’s question.

    “We inform you that on 1 March 2014, 13468 military personnel served in the military units and institutions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine based in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, of them 4637 were officers and 8831 were privates, sergeants and petty officers. 3991 military personnel came to …

  • Kremlin: Russia will keep its military bases in Syria

    The extent to which Russia withdraws its forces in Syria after victory over Islamic State will depend on how the situation develops, but both bases will probably remain, Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov told RIA Novosti.

    In March 2016, President Vladimir Putin decided to withdraw most of the Russian Aerospace Forces following the successful completion of their missions. However, Russia did not renounce its commitment to supply the Syrian government with weaponry and military equipment …

  • Less than 20 companies expressed willingness to take part in the industrial park in Crimea

    A preliminary agreement on the organization of production in the industrial park of Sevastopol was signed by 17 Russian enterprises. The companies specialize in machinery, instrument making and glassware production, as stated by Nikolay Brusnikin, Head of the City Department for Priority Development Projects, RIA Crimea reports.

    "The Corporation for Development of Sevastopol, which oversees the industrial park project, had sent at least 100 appeals to Russian manufacturing companies. Half of …

  • Relatives of those killed in Russian Tu-134 crash on its way to Syria preparing a lawsuit

    Relatives of those killed in the Tu-154 crash in Sochi in December 2016 are preparing an appeal to the Moscow court, as stated by lawyer, Igor Trunov, TASS reports.

    "Today, I was approached by the relatives and friends of those killed in the Sochi air crash on December 25th, which killed 92 people. At the moment, agreements [with the relatives] have been signed and documents are being collected, as we are preparing a legal case to be sent to the court," he said.

    The lawyer explained that the …

  • Russian Ambassador speaks about 'delicate' lawsuit against US over diplomatic property

    Russia is carrying out "thorough and delicate" work to prepare a lawsuit against the US regarding the blocking by US authorities of access to Russian diplomatic property in the United States, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov told RIA Novosti on the sidelines of the Russian-American Science Association (RASA-US) Conference,

    "We are working with the lawyers, thoroughly working on gathering documents. This is work that requires time," said Antonov.

    In late August, the US …

  • Ukraine to appeal to UNESCO over the damage to Bakhchysarai Khan Palace in the Russian-annexed Crimea

    The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine expresses its protest against the actions of Crimean authorities for carrying out illegal restoration work at the Bakhchysarai Museum-Reserve and appealed, in particular, to UNESCO with a request to once again call on the Russian Federation to comply with the norms of international legislation, as reported on the website of the Ministry of Culture.

    "The Ministry of Culture is outraged by the large-scale illegal restoration of the Khan Palace National Monument …

  • Russian Ambassador to the US: At the next meeting Trump and Putin will discuss Syria and North Korea

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump will meet on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit where they could discuss the fight against terrorism and conflicts in Syria and North Korea, as stated by Russia's ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, RIA Novosti reports.

    According to Antonov, "You don't have to be a politician or a diplomat to understand that the main problem is the fight against international terrorism." Antonov believes that …

  • Russian Ambassador to U.S. complains that congressmen do not want to meet with him

    Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov said that he regularly receives refusals to inquiries about meeting with congressmen, RIA Novosti reported.

    “I can tell you that all my requests to the Congress have been refused. I am very happy for Mr. Huntsman, (U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Huntsman) that our parliamentarians warmly welcomed him. They expressed their willingness to work with him. Perhaps movement from our side will be able to move the situation from dead center,” Antonov …

  • Russia considers restoring its military base in Cuba

    The Russian military base in Cuba must be reestablished so that Russia can protect itself against the hostile actions of NATO and the US, said Frants Klintsevich, First Deputy Chairperson of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security.

    “I believe that all efforts must be made, but our base – both naval and aviation – has to be in Cuba. This is a crucial aspect,” Interfax cites the senator as saying.

    Klintsevich called the deployment of US anti-missile defense systems around …

  • Nearly 400 protest participants arrested in Russian cities

    In a number of Russian cities about 400 supporters of Vyacheslav Maltsev, leader of the “Artpodgotovka” movement, were arrested in Russia, after Maltsev urged them to start a revolution on November 5, Deutsche Welle reports.

    Police in Moscow arrested 263 of Maltsev’s supporters. All of the detained persons have been taken to the local police departments for the relevant legal procedures.

    Another 13 people were arrested in Saint Petersburg. Arrests also took place in Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, …