Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian embassy in Syria comes under mortar fire

    On Monday, November 20, the Russian embassy in Damascus (Syria) came under mortar fire. 

    Diplomats report that 122mm shells hit the territory of the embassy and caused some damage. Specifically, the fence, the building’s wall, power lines and the water supply system were damaged. No one was hurt.

    “We hope that our Western colleagues who are active in the Syrian issue on the UN Security Council will not keep silent, but have the courage to make an appropriate public assessment of the incident …

  • President of European Council: Poland’s policy is similar to Kremlin’s plan

    European Council President Donald Tusk criticized Poland for a number of disagreements with the EU. He believes that some controversial decisions by the country’s leadership may be related to the “Kremlin’s plan”, he wrote on his Twitter.

    “Strident dispute with Ukraine, isolation in the European Union, walking away from rule of law and judicial independence, attack on non-governmental sector and free media. Law & Justice strategy or Kremlin plan? Too similar to sleep well.,” Tusk wrote. …

  • Russia: if the US supplies weapons to Ukraine it would ‘blow up’ situation in the Donbas

    Russia believes that if the United States decides to supply arms to Ukraine, it will seriously destabilize the situation in the Donbas as stated by Head of the State Duma Defense Committee Vladimir Shamanov , reports RIA Novosti.

    Shamanov, commenting on a statement by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin that Ukraine would receive lethal weapons in the future, said that such an event would "blow up" the situation in the Donbas.

    According to Klimkin, in addition to Javelin anti-tank …

  • Polish defense minister: Russia preparing for offensive operations

    The recent Zapad 2017 large-scale Russian-Belarusian military exercises are evidence that Russia is preparing for offensive operations, said Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz, as reported by Ukrinform.

    “The Zapad 2017 exercises ended two months ago. They were held in the space between the Arctic Ocean and the Black Sea, and even involved the launches of Iskander ballistic missiles, which can carry nuclear warheads. The Russians were not preparing for defense, but for aggression,” …

  • Ukraine offers to share with the US its experience of ‘fighting with Russia’

    In exchange for American weapons, Ukraine is ready to share with the United States "the experience of fighting against Russians," Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said.

    It was during his official visit to Canada that he made that comment in relation to the US National Security Council decision to allocate new military assistance to Kyiv.

    "We need all this equipment, logistics support and training. Moreover, this is mutually beneficial. We can pass on our combat experience in fighting …

  • Russia fines the Committee for the Prevention of Torture for refusing to register as foreign agent

    At the request of Russia’s Ministry of Justice, the Committee for the Prevention of Torture or CPT was fined 400,000 rubles for refusing to be registered as foreign agent, reported the head of the organization, Igor Kalyapin, writes Radio Liberty.

    The CPT was previously named the Committee Against Torture. In 2015, human rights defenders reregistered the organization so that it would not have to be registered as foreign agent.

    The organization is now being reregistered; therefore the fine …

  • Lawyer of detained Ukrainian journalist Sushchenko says he will be sentenced to 20 years in Russian prison

    Russian courts will sentence Ukrainian journalist Roman Sushchenko to 20 years of imprisonment, stated his lawyer Mark Feygin.

    "Tomorrow, the wife and daughter of my client, Ukrainian journalist Roman Sushchenko will arrive to visit him. This will happen on the eve of the ‘court hearings’ where he is going to be sentenced to 20 years for ‘collecting information about the alleged Russian invasion of Ukraine’ [according to investigators] in the summer and fall of 2016," Feygin wrote on Twitter. …

  • New vote may be taken in UN to investigate chemical attacks in Syria

    Diplomats of Sweden and Uruguay have prepared a new resolution which calls for a continuation of the UN investigation into who is responsible for chemical weapons attacks in Syria, as stated by the representative of the Russian mission to the United Nations, Fyodor Strizhovsky, TASS news agency reports.

    According to him, two non-permanent members of the Security Council submitted a compromise proposal to restore the work of the UN Secretary-General’s Investigation Mechanism and the …

  • Russian citizen asks for asylum in Ukraine because of political persecution in Russia

    On November 18, a Russian citizen arrived by train at the Ukrainian capital and asked for refugee status at the checkpoint "Kyiv-Passazhyrsky", as reported by the State Border Service of Ukraine.

    "During the passport control procedure, the Russian woman appealed to the employees of the State Border Service of Ukraine saying that she wanted to obtain refugee status. The Russian woman said that she was an opposition activist and was being persecuted in Russia for her political views," the …

  • Peskov speaks of problems in prisoner exchange between Ukraine and separatist republics

    Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov has spoken of issues in the exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and the two unrecognized republics, the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) and Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).  "There are many problems that complicate the exchange itself," TASS reports.

     “The leaders of the unrecognized republics, [while] agreeing in general with this initiative (by Medvedchuk), noted that all details of the exchange with Kyiv still need to be agreed upon. And …