Contents tagged with Russia

  • LGBT community: 40 gays arrested in Chechnya since end of December

    Nearly 40 members of the LGBT community have been arrested and two have been killed in the Chechen Republic since the end of 2018 according to the human rights organization LGBT Network. The Chechen authorities have denied this information, Interfax reports.

    “The Russian LGBT Network has learned that, since the end of December 2018, there has been a new wave of men and women being arrested in connection with their presumed or real sexual orientation. According to the Russian LGBT Network, …

  • Russian court extends the arrest of all captive Ukrainian sailors for three months

    The Joint Group for Public Monitoring of the observance of the Constitutional freedoms of the Russian Federation reported on Twitter that the Moscow Lefortovo Court extended for three months the arrest of all 24 Ukrainian sailors captured near the Kerch Strait. It is noted that Judge Ryabtsev left Viktor Bespalchenko, Volodymyr Varymez, Vladyslav Kostyshyn and Volodymyr Lisovy in a pre-trial detention center until April 24. "The result. All but the wounded sailors remain in the remand prison …

  • Former US Ambassador to Ukraine: Sanctions will make Russia leave Donbas

    Sanctions significantly hurt the economy of the Russian Federation, so they are likely to make Russia leave the Donbas, stated John Herbst, the former US Ambassador to Ukraine in 2003-2006.

    “I think this could eventually happen in 2.5 years, it could happen in 15 years. As part of the package, sanctions will convince Moscow to leave the Donbas. Crimea is another matter. Before this day comes, sanctions are much more important to our interests. Because the Kremlin’s policy is aggressive. Today …

  • US Ambassador to Germany explains why Putin needs Nord Stream 2

    The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project was developed solely in order to create an alternative route for transporting Russian gas to Europe that does not involve Ukraine, US Ambassador to Berlin Richard Grenell told the Rheinische Post in an interview.

    “The problem with Nord Stream 2 is that it is not an economic project. It was developed for only one reason: to create an alternative route for transporting Russian gas on the way to Europe that does not pass through Ukraine. And so the issue is, …

  • Putin replaces Russian ambassador to Central African Republic

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree nominating Vladimir Titorenko as a new Russian ambassador in the Central African Republic (CAR).

    The previous ambassador, Sergei Lobanov has been relieved of his responsibilities. Lobanov was the Russian Ambassador in CAR from March 15th, 2011. Before that, he was the deputy director of the security department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He also worked in the Russian embassies in India and Ghana.

    On January 10th, the CAR Minister of …

  • Putin promises to assist Zimbabwe

    Russia is plunging deeper and deeper into the Soviet practice of granting multi-billion dollar assistance to loyal regimes abroad, both near and far.

    After writing off all of Kyrgyzstan and Cuba’s debts, restructuring Venezuela’s debt and forgiving $20 billion worth of African countries’ Soviet debts, the Kremlin is now willing to start assisting Zimbabwe.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his intentions after negotiations with his Zimbabwean colleague Emmerson Mnangagwa, Interfax …

  • US calls on Russia to release Ukrainian sailors

    The United States calls on Russia to release the Ukrainian sailors and not use them in their political game, reads the statement of the US Embassy in Ukraine published on Facebook.

    “Russia must release Ukraine’s sailors immediately, not use them as pawns in their political game,” the statement reads.

    It is noted that for over 50 days, Russia has unjustly detained Ukrainian sailors who were exercising Ukraine’s freedom of navigation in UKraine's territorial waters. The United States is deeply …

  • Russia eases Venezuela’s debt repayments

    Russia has agreed to restructure the loans it has issued to the Venezuelan government over the last few years, and has proposed a plan to revive the economy to Nicolás Maduro, Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak told RIA Novosti on the sidelines of the Gaidar Forum on Tuesday.

    According to Storchak, Venezuela’s repayments schedule has been changed, since it had become impossible for Maduro’s government due to the economic degradation, food shortage, and the collapse of oil …

  • Washington: negotiations on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia failed

    The closed negotiations between Russia and the US on the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty have ended inconclusively.

    The American delegation is “disappointed” with the results of the meeting, which was held in Geneva on Tuesday, said US Under Secretary of State Andrea Thompson.

    According to her, the results of the negotiations – the first since the US threatened to withdraw from the INF Treaty - “have clearly shown” that Russia is still “in material breach of the treaty”, which …

  • Russia refuses to pay contributions to the Council of Europe

    After consultations with the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Liliane Maury Pasquier in Geneva, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy stated that Russia will not pay contributions to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe or PACE in 2019, TASS reports.

    "PACE will not receive Russian contributions. Russia is not going to buy tickets to a movie that we won’t watch,” Tolstoy stated. He also opposed the intentions of the Russian delegation to …