Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukraine will not allow Transnistrian diplomatic mission in Kyiv

    The speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kateryna Zelenko, said that Kyiv will not agree to open a "diplomatic representation" of the unrecognized republic of Transnistria in Ukraine. 

    "We already have diplomatic representation, and this is a representation of Moldova," said Zelenko as quoted by news outlet. 

    According to her, Ukraine, as a guarantor country, will continue its efforts in the Transnistrian settlement. 

    Earlier the leader of unrecognized Transnistria, Vadim …

  • Russia: joint US-Ukraine military exercises in the Black Sea 'a dangerous idea'

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin stated that Russia considers the joint exercises “Sea Breeze” which are held by Ukraine and the United States to be dangerous.

    “A dangerous idea. This is exactly how we will treat it. We perceive this idea as dangerous,” said Karasin as quoted by RIA Novosti.

    The Sea Breeze exercises have been held by Ukraine and the United States on the territory of Ukraine since 1997.

    On February 11th, the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense  …

  • Russia believes that Iran's space program is peaceful

    Russia stated that they do not share the United States’ position that Iran is preparing delivery vehicles for weapons of mass destruction under the guise of developing space technologies.

    As the Director of the Foreign Ministry Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control, Vladimir Yermakov stated, there is no evidence that Tehran has taken steps to deploy weapons in space, unlike the United States.

    “We may ask a counter question about the guarantees of the exclusively peaceful nature of …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO intends to increase military presence in the Black Sea

    During a briefing with Russian media, the NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stated that NATO intends to increase its military presence in the Black Sea in response to “Russia’s violation of international norms.”

    According to him, Moscow’s construction of a bridge over the Kerch Strait does not meet international laws since Russia’s control over Crimea was established illegally. “The unlawful detention of Ukrainian sailors [in November 2018] and seizing of ships increased our concerns …

  • OSCE spots new Russian Torn radio intelligence systems in the Donbas

    An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) drone recorded images of the newest Russian radio intelligence system Torn in the territory of the Donbas which is not under Ukraine’s control, according to the report of the OSCE SMM in Ukraine.

    “On February 10, the short-range, unmanned aerial vehicle spotted two BMP-1 fighting vehicles and a truck mounted with the Torn radio intelligence system, all parked in a residential area in Novohryhorivka in the Donetsk region,” the report reads.

    The Torn …

  • Volker: Russia has been violating the Minsk Agreements every day for the last four years

    US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker stated on Twitter that Russia has long been violating the Minsk Agreements without cease.

    "Four years ago, Russia signed the Minsk Package of Measures with the first point being a February 14 ceasefire. About a week later Russia and its proxy forces seized Debaltseve,” Volker said. "In the four years since, Russia has continued to violate the Minsk Agreements every day.”

    On February 12, 2015, because of negotiations in Minsk, participants of …

  • Russian parliament passes 'sovereign internet' bill on first reading

    Russia’s State Duma has reviewed and passed the bill “on the reliable Russian internet”, also known as the “sovereign internet” bill, on its first reading. 

    The bill is intended to “ensure the reliable operation of the Russian segment of the internet in the event of disconnection from the global infrastructure of the World Wide Web”. 

    The document was authored by Andrey Klishas, chairperson of the Federation Council’s committee on constitutional legislation, his first deputy Lyudmila Bokova, …

  • Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov warns Pompeo against sanctions for Skripals poisoning

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have recently spoken over the phone at the latter’s initiative, the Russian foreign policy department reported on Tuesday. 

    The officials discussed two main topics. 

    The first was the possible imposition of new sanctions on Russia due to the poisoning of former GRU agent Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the UK. Lavrov warned that this would cause further deterioration in the two countries’ relations and …

  • Expert: Poland foiled Russia’s plans in Baltic Sea

    A Polish anti-ship coastal defense missile division has “buried once and for all” Russia’s hopes of controlling the maritime transport routes in the Baltic Sea. In an article for Defence24, Polish military expert Maksymilian Dura explained why he believes that Poland is the only regional power capable of influencing the development strategy of Russia’s Baltic Fleet.

    “The most notable reaction of the Baltic Fleet was caused by the appearance of Polish NSM anti-ship missiles… which are capable …

  • Norway: Russia is jamming GPS signals and putting passenger flights at risk

    Russia has blocked signals of the GPS navigation system near the Norwegian border, Norway's intelligence service stated.

    Morten Haga Lunde, the head of the intelligence service, said that the actions of the Russian Federation are “not only a new challenge for Norwegian and Allied training operations, but also a threat to civilian air traffic, the police and health operations”.

    In October and November 2018, NATO held large-scale military exercises, NATO Trident Juncture exercises, which …