Contents tagged with Russia

  • Belarus-Germany prisoner swap: Putin plans to retrieve Russian assassin via Lukashenko

    In late June, Belarus sentenced German citizen Rico Krieger to death. Prosecutors charged him with six counts, including terrorism and extremist activities.

    On July 22, the death sentence took effect, yet there is no official confirmation of its execution.

    Deutschen Welle reports, citing its contacts, that Krieger, sentenced by the Minsk Regional Court, is being prepped for a swap involving Russian assassin Vadim Krasikov, who is serving a life sentence in Germany for killing a former Chechen …

  • Kremlin vows retaliation against EU plan to use frozen Russian assets for arming Ukraine

    Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has stated that Russia will respond to the European Union’s decision to channel revenues from frozen Russian assets towards military supplies for Ukraine, as reported by RIA Novosti.

    "These funds are not only stolen but are also being used to buy weapons. It's hard to imagine something worse," Peskov remarked.

    He further emphasized that such actions "cannot remain unanswered."

    "Moscow will explore legal options to prosecute those responsible for the …

  • Ukrainian Forces destroy rare $250 million Russian radar system with HIMARS precision strike

    Ukrainian military forces, utilizing HIMARS, successfully struck a high-value, rare target in Russian territory. The attack, believed to have involved GMLRS rockets, is evident in video footage showing an explosion over a radar system, showering it with thousands of tungsten pellets. This strike disabled the advanced Russian artillery reconnaissance system "1K148 Yastreb-AV," which costs approximately $250 million and is scarcely available in the Russian army. The drone recon footage capturing …

  • German Military Chief warns of escalating Russian threat to NATO

    Germany’s highest-ranking military officer, General Inspector of the Bundeswehr, Carsten Breuer, has issued a stark warning about the increasing military danger posed by Russia to Western nations. "We are witnessing the Russian army orienting itself towards the West," Breuer said in an interview with Sächsische Zeitung, as reported by dpa.

    Within the next 5-8 years, the Russian Armed Forces are expected to be equipped and manned in a way that would make an attack on NATO territory viable. …

  • Russian military uses banned ammunition in drone attacks, reports Ukrainian soldier

    Russian forces are employing prohibited ammunition in their drone strikes, according to soldier Yegor Firsov, who emphasized that casualties from such attacks are nearly impossible to save.

    On the Pokrovsk front, the Russian military resort to all kinds of weapons, including those banned by international conventions, said Firsov, the senior sergeant of the 109th assault UAV company, detailed the situation during a national news broadcast.

    He explained that Russians are using every type of …

  • Ukrainian hackers reveal details of Indian specialists training on Russian S-400 missile systems

    Ukrainian hackers from the group "Cyber Resistance" have reportedly accessed documents suggesting that Indian specialists are being trained in Russia to operate the S-400 missile defense systems, reported InformNapalm.

    In the initial "BaumankaLeaks" investigation, restricted access data, lists, and documents from the Military Educational and Scientific Center within Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) were exposed. These records were associated with Air Defense and Anti-Missile …

  • Russian Defense Ministry claims U.S. bombers attempted to violate Russian border over Barents Sea

    In a tense moment over the Barents Sea, Russian MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighter jets were scrambled in response to two U.S. Air Force B-52H strategic bombers approaching the Russian state border, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

    "Russian airspace control systems detected an approaching aerial target over the Barents Sea, identified as a pair of strategic bombers, B-52H, belonging to the U.S. Air Force," the ministry's statement reads.

    As the Russian fighters approached, the American bombers …

  • Russia plans $1 billion investment in protective shelters for military aircraft amid growing drone attacks

    Russian war correspondents, citing Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov, reported the Russian military leadership's intentions to build protective shelters for combat aircraft at military airfields. Intriguingly, the announcement appeared on social media just before the Ukrainian forces' strike on the Millerovo airbase on July 20.

    "With the help of high-precision Western missiles with cluster warheads, the enemy has repeatedly attempted to attack our combat aircraft on the tarmacs. On …

  • Russia faces major trade disruption as Chinese banks reject Yuan payments

    Russian importers are grappling with a new significant issue in their transactions with China. Payments in yuan bought in Russia are increasingly being rejected, causing alarm among market participants, reports The Moscow Times. Both Chinese banks and payment agents handling transfers to the East via third countries are wary of dealing with such funds, sources say.

    Market insiders revealed that new terminologies— "clean" and "dirty" yuan—have emerged in the cross-border payments sector since …

  • Protests erupt in Southern Russia over prolonged power outages

    Southern regions of Russia, grappling with an energy collapse, are witnessing spontaneous demonstrations.Unplanned protests have erupted across cities and villages in southern Russia due to widespread power outages. In Krasnodar, people blocked the road, demanding the restoration of electricity. Serious power issues in Russia’s southern regions and annexed Crimea began on July 16 when one of the reactors at the Rostov Nuclear Power Plant was abruptly shut down. Russian authorities claim the …