Contents tagged with Putin

  • Japan and Russia agreed to pursue joint economic activities on the disputed Kuril Islands

    During two days of talks, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin failed to settle the long territorial dispute over the Kuril Islands, which were ceded to the Soviet Union after World War II. The parties, however, agreed to continue the dialogue and carry out joint economic activities on the disputed islands, Japanese media reported on Friday, December 16th, following the talks.

    During the talks, Putin and Abe negotiated easing travel restrictions between the …

  • Obama said Russian cyberattacks ceased after he spoke with Putin in September

    According to US President Barack Obama, at the September G20 summit in China, after a conversation with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, the attacks on the Democratic party servers during the election campaign stopped as Obama threatened Russia with "significant consequences." Speaking at a press conference in Washington on Friday, December 16th, Obama said that after a tete-a-tete conversation with Putin, the cyberattacks stopped, but the leak through WikiLeaks happened earlier so …

  • Putin and Merkel discussed Ukrainian crisis and the supply of Russian gas to Europe

    The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, and the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, had a telephone conversation during which both leaders discussed the supply of Russian gas to European consumers via Ukraine, as well as the Ukrainian crisis, the Kremlin’s website reported.According to the report, Putin stated that he is concerned that Ukraine has been evading the coordination of agreements on purchases of gas from Russia during this winter season. The Russian President …

  • Kremlin confirms that Putin has met with US Secretary of State nominee

    The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, has held business meetings with US President-elect Donald Trump's pick for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, as chairman of the ExxonMobil oil corporation, as confirmed by the President’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov, Interfax reports.

    “They had business meetings. Indeed, the President has hosted Mr. Tillerson, as well as his partners in Russia on several occasions.” Peskov stated in answering the question whether Putin knows the …

  • Putin says he wants a successful finish to his career

    The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, told employees of LLC Eterno in Chelyabinsk that he hopes to complete his career successfully and that he dreams of travelling once he retires. Putin’s statement was a response to a question about what his dream was. It was also a follow-up to a story by one of the plant’s younger employees about intentions to build a successful career at the enterprise.

    “I want to successfully finish my career,” Putin said, drawing laughter in the …

  • Putin calls Trump smart and says what he expects from him

    Newly elected President of the USA Donald Trump is reportedly "a smart person" and should "quickly realize a level of responsibility" after being elected to the position. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed these sentiments on during an interview.

    According to him, Trump was a businessman and an entrepreneur by nature and yet he has already accomplished being a statesman.

    "Today, he is the head of the United States of America, one of the leading countries of the world, a leading …

  • Putin: The global balance of power is being restored

    The global balance of power, following failed attempts to create a unipolar world, is gradually being restored, as stated by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, in an interview on the show 'Itogi nedeli (Results of the week)', on the NTV channel.

    "The situation is changing and that is obvious as we can all see that many of our partners prefer references to the principles of international law because the world’s balance is gradually being restored. And it's inevitable!" Putin said.

    As he …

  • Japan believes Putin’s visit is the last chance for Abe to solve Kuril Islands dispute

    A deputy of the lower house of Japan's ruling parliament, the Liberal Democratic Party, who is also the former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Hakubun Shimomura, believes that the upcoming December visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan is the last chance for Prime Minister Shinzō Abe to resolve the territorial dispute, TASS reported.

    According to Kyodo News, he expressed this opinion on Sunday while on Fuji TV.

    “This visit is the last chance. It is …

  • Putin ratifies joint armed forces agreement with Abkhazia

    Russian President Vladimir Putin ratified an armed forces agreement with the Republic of Abkhazia that unites the Russian and Abkhazian militaries. The information was recently published on the official portal for legal information. The agreement establishes the missions, the orders of formation, deployment and use of the joint forces of both countries.

    Earlier, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden stated during a telephone conversation with Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili that the …

  • Putin: Russia will respond to NATO's expansion

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the practice of decision-making in NATO is a cause for concern. Based on this, Russia will take countermeasures in response to the expansion of NATO.

    RIA Novosti reported that Putin said this in an interview for the Oliver Stone film ‘Ukraine on fire’, which premiered on the 21st of November on REN TV.

    “Why are we reacting so sharply to NATO’s expansion? We are concerned about the practice of decision-making. I know how decisions are made. When a …