Contents tagged with Verkhovna Rada
Zelensky administration: dissolution of Ukrainian parliament is possible due to absence of coalition
The dissolution of the Verkhovna Rada is possible because there is currently no coalition in parliament,said the speaker of the newly elected President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky’s administration, Dmitry Razumkov, on the show “The Voice of the People” on the TV channel 112 Ukraine.
“The coalition consists of two factions. There are not enough people’s deputies in these factions, that is, there are fewer than 226,” he said.
According to Razumkov, various organizations appealed to Rada …
Ukrainian becomes the only state language of Ukraine
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted the law "on ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as a state language". 278 members of Ukrainian parliament voted in favor of this decision.
According to UNIAN, from now on, the top leadership of the country, all judges, prosecutors, employees of the National Bank of Ukraine, as well as officials, are obliged to speak only in Ukrainian while performing official duties. The military, teachers and doctors are also required by law to use the …
Poroshenko's party begins preparations for Ukrainian parliamentary elections
On the evening of April 23, the head of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc Solidarity (BPP) parliamentary faction in the Verkhovna Rada, Arthur Gerasimov, after a party meeting in Kyiv announced that Petro Poroshenko Bloc Solidarity party will take part in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada.
"We are going to the parliamentary elections. We started thoroughly discussing this topic," he said.
According to him, BPP Solidarity intends to carry out a change of personnel and form a list based on the …
Poroshenko promises to sign the language law before leaving the presidential post
Proshenko will sign a law on the Ukrainian language as the official state language after this law is adopted by the Verkhovna Rada, reports UNIAN, quoting the press service of Poroshenko.
“If next week Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopts a law on language, I will be happy and proud that I, as president of Ukraine, will have the opportunity to sign it. And I will definitely sign it,” he said.
"Our team will protect the Ukrainian language," stated Poroshenko. According to the president, today a …
150 American elite military soldiers arriving in Ukraine to train Ukrainian Armed Forces
In the next few days, more than 150 soldiers from the elite 101st airborne division of the US Army will arrive in Ukraine to train the Ukrainian military at the Yavoriv combat training center in the Lviv region, Ukraine’s Ambassador to the US Valeriy Chaly wrote on his Facebook page.
“The Screaming eagles are flying to Ukraine! In the next few days, more than 150 soldiers from the elite 101st airborne division of the US Army will arrive in Ukraine to train the Ukrainian military at the Yavoriv …
Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament: Children in Crimea are being trained for war against Ukraine
Russia is using its education system in annexed Crimea as a weapon against motherland Ukraine, said Andriy Parubiy, Chairman of Ukraine’s parliament, at the 140th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Qatar.
“The children of Ukrainian citizens in the illegally occupied territory are being forcibly indoctrinated and turned into supporters of the Russian imperial idea. Russia, in breach of international humanitarian law, is deliberately training the Ukrainian citizens residing in Crimea …
US, EU ambassadors and IMF ask Ukrainian parliament to postpone consideration of illicit enrichment bills
The International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the US and EU ambassadors to Ukraine have sent a letter to the relevant Ukrainian parliamentary committee asking it to postpone the consideration of all 13 pending bills on the penalty for illicit enrichment, since all the initiatives that have been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine so far are defective, Interfax-Ukraine reports.
“The US ambassador, the IMF mission, and the EU ambassador have written a letter – it arrived today: They request …
OSCE expresses regret that Russian observers are banned from monitoring Ukraine's presidential elections
OSCE Secretary General, Thomas Greminger, expressed regret and concern regarding decision to ban Russian citizens from being official observers at the 2019 elections in Ukraine, reports Interfax-Ukraine.
“I share the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) director's regret and concern because it is not very good not to follow the structure of the monitoring methodology,” he said.
Greminger noted that he follows with interest what is happening in Ukraine. However, he …
Ukrainian President signs law banning Russian observers from participation in elections
President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has signed the law prohibiting Russian observers’ from participation in Ukraine's elections, announced the head of state press service.
"President signed the law that prohibits representatives of an aggressor country from being official observers at the elections in Ukraine," said the report.
The law makes amendments to Ukraine's presidential, parliamentary, and local elections laws. It determines that a citizen of the country, recognized by the …
Klimkin: Ukraine is ready to terminate the Sea of Azov agreement with Russia
Foreign Minister, Pavlo Klimkin, announced that in the foreseeable future, Ukraine is preparing to terminate the agreement with Russia on the Sea of Azov.
"In the foreseeable future, we will do it. After the hearings, our legal position will be determined, and the international arbitration issues will be resolved," he said. At the same time, he added that if Kyiv had terminated the agreement earlier, “Russia would have used it to weaken the legal position” of the Ukrainian side.
The …