Contents tagged with Ukrainian Army

  • Poltorak: We stopped one of the most powerful armies in Europe

    Poltorak: We stopped one of the most powerful armies in Europe

    One of the most powerful armies on the continent was stopped by Ukrainian army in the Donbass region, as stated on a briefing earlier today by Stepan Poltorak, Ukrainian Minister of Defense.

    "We were able to upgrade our armed forces and their combat effectiveness. In the East we stopped one of the most powerful armies in Europe and stabilized the situation. We have equipped numerous lines of fortifications," - said Poltorak, …

  • Ukrainian speakers added to MAVNI program

    Ukrainian has been added to the language list for MAVNI

      The Military Acquisitions of Vital National Interest program, or MAVNI, authorizes the military services to specifically recruit foreign nationals in high-demand healthcare specialties or who possess certain language skills in short supply

    A majority of the MAVNI recruits have been medical doctors who enlist in the U.S. Army Reserve and who receive an officer’s commission once they obtain U.S. citizenship.MAVNI recruits do not have to  …