Contents tagged with USA

  • Russia to Cut Funds For International Space Station

    Russian media reports that the state authorities are planning to reduce the cost of maintenance of the International Space Station in the next decade.

    According to the newspaper Izvestia in the latest draft budget for the 2016-2025 years, the cost of servicing the ISS will be around 3.3 billion dollars (252.1 billion rubles), which is 10 percent less than was suggested in the draft budget drawn up in April last year.

    The Russian Space Agency is one of five departments that control the station …

  • Ambassador Chaly: Ukraine Will Soon Receive Military Assistance from the U.S.

    The Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States, Valeriy Chaly, said that in the coming months, Ukraine will start receiving military aid from the United States. He recalled that the U.S. Congress is introducing specific changes to the legislation on military assistance to Ukraine and that the U.S. budget for 2016 includes 658 million dollars of military aid to Ukraine. However, he said that in order to receive such assistance and specific resources for certain goals, special legislative …

  • Dobriansky and Ryvkin: Russian Propaganda is Racist and Obscene

    Two former U.S. Presidential Administration staff members are encouraging the U.S. Government to improve the effectiveness of American foreign diplomacy.

    The former administration staffers, who both worked for prior Republican administrations, encouraged the U.S. Government and Congress, “to revitalize America’s public diplomacy infrastructure,” in the context of intensified Russian propaganda, which they characterized as, “racist and obscene.”

    “Consistent with our core values, the United …

  • Poltorak: US Military Base Not Allowed On Ukrainian Soil

    According to Ukrainian News, Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak said that Ukraine has no plans of allowing a US military base on its territory.

    "We are not considering such a possibility. Ukrainian legislation doesn't allow such an occurrence. All we have is a close cooperation that allows us to learn from each other and share experiences," he said.

    The Minister explained that the country has high hopes for establishing a Ukrainian-Polish-Lithuanian brigade. Conducting joint exercises as part …

  • US accuses Russia of bombing civilian targets in Syria

    According to the US authorities, hundreds of civilians were killed as a result of Russian air attacks on civilian targets in Syria.

    Washington has accused Moscow of targeting civilians in Syria, killing hundreds including members of rescue services, US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said on Tuesday, December 29th in Washington.

    According to Toner, Russian war planes attacked hospitals, schools and markets. In October and the first half of November, more than 130,000 Syrians were forced …

  • George Fedoroff: The Russian Navy is the third largest maritime force in the world

    According to the US Office of Naval Intelligence’s expert on Russia, George Fedoroff, Russia will progress significantly on its way to the creation of a modern fleet over the next ten years. At the request of the Pentagon, George Fedoroff prepared a 68-page report describing the state of the modern Russian fleet. 

    The Russian Navy consists of 186 combat submarines and ships, making it the third largest fleet in the world, the Naval Intelligence Officer wrote. Fedoroff notes that the Russian …

  • Analysts predict break-up of Russian Federation

    American publisher and global intelligence company Stratfor forecasted the break-up of the Russian Federation in the next decade. According to Stratfor, the intervention of the USA and external management of the country for its nuclear disarmament will follow the collapse of Russia.

    Stratfor’s analytical report stated that Russia will not survive in its present form. The report notes that Russia’s inability to turn profits from energy trading into a self-sufficient economy makes it vulnerable …

  • Poroshenko confirms participation of foreign troops in 2016 drills

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko confirmed that the military plans to hold training drills with the participation of NATO troops on Ukrainian territory.

    According to the president’s press service, more than 5,000 foreign servicemen will participate in the Maple Arch drills in 2016. Participants will include US soldiers, NATO forces, and Ukrainian servicemen.

    Another 2,000 foreign troops will participate in the Sea Breeze exercise in the Black Sea. The naval and marine training drill will …

  • Duma Deputy Proposes New Counter-Sanctions against US

    In response to U.S. sanctions against Russia, the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Mikhail Emelyanov, proposed imposing sanctions against Coca-Cola, as well as Visa and MasterCard payment systems.

    “We conduct business with some American companies that will be susceptible to these sanctions.  This applies primarily to the audit companies, financial companies and, of course, Coca-Cola," the Russian Deputy said.

    Emelyanov …

  • Chuck Hagel: America didn’t lead the world in supporting Ukraine

    Former US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said that during the fighting with pro-Russian separatists, the US government insisted on providing the Ukrainian Armed Forces with communications and non-lethal weapons. During the most intense moments of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the United States did not show itself as a world leader, said Hagel in an interview about foreign policy.

    The former Defense Secretary said that in 2014, during meetings of the Joint Chiefs of Staff against …