Contents tagged with OSCE

  • OSCE puts forward two Russians as observers for Ukraine’s elections

    The OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights has proposed to include two Russian citizens in the list of observers for Ukraine’s presidential elections on 31 March 2019, Ukrinform reports, citing a diplomatic source.

    “The OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights has included two Russian citizens in its list of the Mission’s long-term observers to observe the elections, despite the fact that, in the invitation to participate in observation, Ukraine’s Foreign …

  • Ukraine offers Russia to exchange three Russian convicts for participants in the Debaltseve Battle

    Ukraine offers Russia to exchange Alexander Korinkov, Sergei Glondar and Bogdan Pantyushenko, Ukrainian prisoners of war, for three Russians convicted of crimes in the Donbas, stated Iryna Heraschenko, Ukraine’s representative in the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk.

    Special forces soldiers Korenkov and Glondar were captured by pro-Russian militants in February 2015, when the detachment was leaving Debaltseve. Tank operator Patyushenko was captured in January 2015 near the Donetsk airport.

    “ …

  • OSCE prepares new peace plan for the Donbas

    In an interview with the newspaper Kleine Zeitung, the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairmanship in Ukraine and the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk, Martin Sajdik said that the OSCE Ministerial Council had been presented with a new peace plan for the Donbas conflict, which should replace the Minsk agreements. 

    Sajdik is the main author of the new concept of peace and has stated that plan was introduced to Russia and Ukraine in the OSCE. 

    The Special Representative proposed the …

  • Russia plans to send observers to presidential elections in Ukraine

    Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Grushko stated in an interview with TASS that Russia will send its observers to the presidential elections in Ukraine on March 31 as part of the OSCE mission.

    “Yes, we plan to send our observers and take part in the mission in accordance with all OSCE criteria,” he said. Grushko explained that Ukraine has no right to refuse to register observers. “Ukraine is a member of the OSCE. So, we act from the fact that Kyiv’s obligations, taken by …

  • New OSCE head shocked by life in Donbas

    OSCE Chairman Miroslav Lajčák said he was shocked by the alarming living conditions of people living near the contact line in the Donbas, and called on the parties to “intensify efforts for a peaceful political settlement of the crisis,” reports the OSCE press service.

    “The crisis in Ukraine and around it is the top priority for the Slovakian chairmanship. Being on site, I see the critical work that the OSCE is doing, and how much more there is to do. For the victims, this conflict dictates …

  • Kyiv: Hundreds of OSCE observers will monitor Ukraine's presidential elections

    The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine  wrote on Facebook that about 850 representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) will arrive to monitor the presidential elections in Ukraine.

    Ministry advisor Ivan Stoiko said the Ministry is ready for close cooperation with the OSCE and ensuring the safety of observers. “We are ready to provide full assistance to the work of OSCE observers… we’re doing everything to ensure that the elections are fair, transparent …

  • OSCE drone shot down in the Donbas

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), reports on their website, that an unmanned aerial vehicle that belonged to the monitoring mission was shot down in the area of Popasna village in the Donbas.

    It is noted that the village is controlled by the Ukrainian government and is located 69 kilometers west of Luhansk. The mission team was using the drone to watch snow removal work on the T-0504 highway. At this time, the OSCE staff heard the sound of six shots. According to …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: several foreign ministers will visit Donbas

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin announced the visit of “several foreign colleagues” to the Donbas on January 15, particularly the Foreign Minister of Slovakia, Miroslav Lajčák, Interfax-Ukraine reports. 

    "Many Ministers of our friendly countries will visit Mariupol next week. The new OSCE Head, Mr. Lajčák will also visit the Donbas. I will not say where we are going, for safety reasons. And there will be many contacts,” Klimkin said. According to the media, the Foreign Ministers of …

  • OSCE Secretary General believes new aggravation between Russia and Ukraine is highly possible

    Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung reports that the Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Thomas Greminger stated that Russia might continue providing military assistance to the territories of Donbas which are not under Ukraine’s control. 

    He believes that the aggravation is a real possibility in the annexed Crimea or on the line of demarcation with the so-called Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics. 

    According to Greminger, the political will to reconcile the …

  • Turchynov: Ukraine preparing to send more ships through Kerch Strait with international help

    Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, told BBC Ukraine in an interview that the country is planning to send more ships through the Kerch Strait with the help of international partners.

    “Yes, it is a matter of principle for us. If we stop and back down, then Russia will effectively achieve its goal of capturing the Sea of Azov, and will present to the world the new maritime borders in the Black Sea that it has determined, de facto …