Contents tagged with NATO

  • Major countries' troops present in Ukraine, says Poland’s Foreign Minister

    Poland's Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has stated that troops from "major countries" are already present in Ukraine. Speaking to the German news agency DPA, Sikorski echoed the words of Germany's Chancellor, saying, "As your Chancellor mentioned, there are indeed troops from major countries in Ukraine."

    When asked whether it is problematic that the Chancellor is speaking on the matter, Sikorski replied, "In the Polish language, we have a term ‘tajemnica Poliszynela’ (an open secret), …

  • NATO plans to supply Ukraine with one million drones

    NATO member states are set to deliver one million drones to Ukraine, establish a training center, and also form a demining coalition, as announced by the Alliance's defense ministers.

    "A group of allies is coming together with the purpose of sending one million drones to Ukraine. We need to move from the slow peacetime production rates to the high-speed production that the conflict demands," said NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference following the defense ministers' …

  • Norwegian Defence Chief urges NATO to ramp up military preparedness for possible conflict with Russia

    The Chief of Defence of Norway, Eirik Kristoffersen, has stressed the need for NATO members to bolster their military resources to prepare for a potential conflict with Russia, as reported by Dagbladet.

    "There is currently a window, which will possibly last for one, two, or three years, when we must invest even more in robust defence. We need to add substance to NATO's plans and ensure the necessary capabilities are in place," Kristoffersen stated.

    The Norwegian military chief informed that …

  • NATO Secretary General foresees prolonged war in Ukraine with no decisive victory in near future

    NATO Secretary General Mircea Geoană believes the Alliance must prepare for a protracted conflict in Russia's war against Ukraine, as neither side currently possesses the military capability to secure a "decisive victory."

    During an interview with the Romanian television network Digi24, Geoană opined that Russia’s military economy is "meeting current needs," moreover, in a manner "completely outside international law," North Korea and Iran either promise or are already sending weapons to …

  • NATO pledges continued military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine with billions allocated for 2024

    NATO countries have resolutely stated that they will continue to provide Ukraine with substantial military, economic, and humanitarian aid, with many nations planning to allocate "billions of euros in additional strength and resources in 2024," according to a NATO press service announcement following the NATO-Ukraine Council meeting on Wednesday, January 10, in Brussels.

    Furthermore, "NATO's promise was that this year, 500 million euros would be allocated to Ukraine's priority projects," said …

  • Putin announces enhancement of nuclear arsenal, accuses West of waging ‘hybrid war’ against Russia

    Speaking at an expanded meeting of the Russian Defense Ministry, Russian president Vladimir Putin has announced that Russia is modernizing its nuclear arsenal and "maintaining its strategic forces at the highest level of readiness, as the West wages a hybrid war against Russia." 

    Putin claims that all attempts to strategically defeat Russia have failed, and the West continues to wage a hybrid war against Russia, actively supplying Ukraine with weaponry and intelligence.

    "There has been a …

  • Russian drone breaches NATO airspace, crashes in Romania

    One of the Shahed drones, launched by Russia into Ukraine on the night of December 14, violated NATO airspace and crashed in Romanian territory, reports Aussiedlerbote. Eurofighter jets, which are stationed in Germany, were promptly scrambled in response to the incident.

    Germany was able to identify the Russian drone, even making visual contact, but NATO did not issue any orders to shoot them down. A total of 70 Russian unmanned aerial vehicles of the Shahed 136 type were used in Russian air …

  • Ukrainians largely reject Russia's demands on occupied territories and NATO accession, survey finds

    More than 90% of Ukrainians consider Russia's demands for recognition of the occupied territories of Ukraine as Russian territories in exchange for cessation of aggression to be "unacceptable." According to the survey conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation in collaboration with the Razumkov Center's sociological service, with the support of the Matra program from August 9-15, 2023, only 4.7% of respondents found such demands "acceptable."

    Nearly 74% of those surveyed …

  • Kremlin: NATO’s security guarantees for Ukraine violate Russia's security

    Russian presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that providing Ukraine with security guarantees is dangerous for the Russian Federation.

    "Providing Ukraine with any security guarantees is extremely erroneous and very dangerous, they encroach on Russia's security. This can lead to negative consequences and make Europe much more dangerous for many years," said Putin’s spokesperson.

    Earlier, Peskov said that Ukraine's accession to NATO would be a threat to the Russian Federation.

    The U.S. …

  • Polish President urges NATO members to accept Ukraine into the Alliance

    Polish President Andrzej Duda has urged the NATO members to accept Ukraine into the Allience, but German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron prefer to talk about security guarantees, reports the newspaper Tagesschau.

    "Ukraine is waiting for a clear signal, a clear prospect of membership. In July Ukraine will see the "light at the end of the tunnel" which it has been waiting for so much," the Polish President said.

    At the same time, Scholz said that Germany and France …