Contents tagged with Lukashenko

  • President of Belarus warns of ‘joint response’ with Russia if the US military base established in Poland

    The President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko said that the possible deployment of a U.S base in Poland would force Belarus and Russia to "take adequate measures", in particular, to place additional military infrastructure on the territory of Belarus.

    “I told the Polish Foreign Minister when he spoke with us in Minsk that we are not going to fight with them. Therefore, there is no need to create extra military bases. Otherwise, Russians and we will have to respond. This means that we will …

  • Lukashenko: Belarus could take on responsibility for bringing peace to Donbas

    During his speech at the Munich Security Conference in Minsk , Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said that his country could take on responsibility for ensuring peace in eastern Ukraine, and could oversee the ‘elections’ in the Donbas.

     “According to our information, they are bringing in modern weaponry which is capable of carrying out anti-electronic warfare not only on the ground, but also in space, which neutralizes any satellites and other such means. All that remains is to bring …

  • President of Belarus offers Ukraine assistance in ending Donbas war

    Speaking at the Forum of the Regions of Ukraine and Belarus in Gomel, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has expressed willingness to help Ukraine in resolving the conflict in the Donbas.

    "We are ready to engage in this conflict where it is complicated and where there is no trust that is supposed to be. We are ready to do this for the sake of one thing - for the sake of peace. We, the three Slavic nations have to solve this problem. This is our trouble and problem. It's not Europeans, …

  • Belarusian President Lukashenko names Putin’s most important military task

    Being able to independently produce and modernize weapons is the most important task for Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko while reviewing samples of weapons and military equipment at the site in Ivatsevichy district in Belarus, the official website for the president states.

    “For the president of Russia, there is no more important issue, even though they [Russia] inherited a lot from Soviet times. However, they bought their modern weapons. Now the …

  • Belarus President Lukashenko speaks about ‘hard' negotiations with Putin in Sochi

    The negotiations of Russia’s and Belarus leaders on September 21 in Sochi were "hard" but effective, said Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko at the meeting with the government, reports BelTA.

    Lukashenko's meeting with the government in Minsk was devoted to the results of his talks with Putin in Sochi. "The main part of the talks was one-on-one with the [Russian] president. Negotiations lasted six hours, even more. Frankly, it was not only hard but difficult negotiations, but they were …

  • Belarusian President Lukashenko promises to assist Assad in ‘Syria’s restoration’

    Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said that he is willing to offer “comprehensive assistance” to the Assad regime in the process of restoring Syria.

    Lukashenko made a statement to this effect in a greeting to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries, BELTA reports, citing the president’s press service.

    “Belarusian-Syrian relations were tested in a special way during the war against terrorism in Syria. During the troubled …

  • President of Belarus Lukashenko announces a new meeting with Putin

    In an interview with Belarus 1 TV channel, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko spoke about a new meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in the near future with the participation of governments of both sides.

    Lukashenko said that they reached the corresponding agreement during their negotiations in Sochi on August 22.

    “Most importantly, we agreed with the Russian President to arrange our schedules to find an opportunity to meet in the next few days. We will meet in a broad …

  • Putin and Lukashenko sign a statement on the expansion of strategic partnership between Russia and Belarus

    Following a Higher State Council meeting of the Union State, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko signed a joint statement, the Kremlin’s press-service reports.  

    “Following the meeting of the Higher State Council of the Union State, leaders of both countries adopted a joint statement in which they confirmed their common desire to strengthen and expand the strategic partnership between Russia and Belarus,” the statement reads.

    As part of this …

  • President of Belarus criticizes Russia’s desire to privatize victory over Germany

    During his visit to the Brest Fortress, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that he sees a recent tendency to “privatize victory” in Russia, reported BelTA news agency.

    “It is not surprising that Russia is privatizing the victory [over Germany]. As if there were no others in the war - Belarusians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Armenians, Tajiks, and Turkmen. The entire Soviet Union fought…So I look very negatively at such statements that someone achieved this victory alone,” Lukashenko …

  • President of Belarus names conditions for closure of the border with Russia

    During the visit to the border checkpoint in Divin, in the Kobryn district, the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko offered Russia to determine the current status of border guards on the border of the two countries, BelTA news agency reports.  According to Lukashenko, Belarusian border guards “should not act like Russians” because “they themselves do not understand what they want and what they are doing at the Belarusian-Russian border”.

     “They should decide. Once they do it — it is not …