Contents tagged with LPR

  • Kyiv hopes to hold local elections in LPR and DPR in late October

    Andriy Yermak, assistant to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, hopes that by the end of October Ukraine will be able to hold local elections in all territories, including the so-called Luhansk and Donetsk people’s republics.

    “As early as three months’ time, there will be the next meeting of leaders in the Normandy Format. I hope it takes place, and I really hope Ukraine goes to this meeting with a new package of agreements. I hope that we will take the next steps so that local elections …

  • Surkov's work on Ukraine stopped after President Zelensky came to power

    Since January 2018, there has been hardly any Ukraine-related work in the Russian government and it completely stopped after Volodymyr Zelensky became the President of Ukraine, reports the news outlet Meduza.

    According to the source of the publication, who worked together with Putin’s aide Vladislav Surkov, Surkov and his team stopped work with the leaders of public opinion and the elite in Ukraine. They stopped forming an ideology, engaging in projects on federalization and destabilization of …

  • Former LPR prisoner: Ukrainian prisoners paid money to be included on swap list

    Ukrainians held in prisons in the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) but not mentioned by the media actually paid money to be included on prisoner exchange list, former LPR prisoner Denys Sekatsky told Censor.NET in an interview.

    “I paid money for my freedom. That is, they demanded a ransom from me, for them not to kill me, and to confirm that they had included me on the list for exchange from the LPR. People came and handed over money through my attorney… I was not the only one. Perhaps I’m the …

  • Kyiv names ideal time for Donbas elections

    The ideal time to hold elections in the Donbas would be in parallel with local elections in the rest of Ukraine in autumn, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko told Bild in an interview, a translation of which was published on the Foreign Ministry website.

    He pointed out that Ukraine has already agreed to enshrine the so-called Steinmeier Formula in its legislation, but this does not mean that the elections will be held under any and all circumstances.

    “Ideally, these elections should …

  • Swiss company accused of supplying Ukraine with coal from Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics

    The largest Swiss coal trader, Adelon AG, has been accused of buying coal from the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics (LDPR) and reselling it to Ukraine, the Ukrainian news outlet reports. The Swiss company denied the allegations. The company specializes in supplying coal from the Kuzbass (Russia’s Kemerovo and Novosibirsk provinces) to a number of European and Asian countries, but it does not work with Ukraine.

    Adelon AG does not accept Donbas coal, and this applies not only to …

  • Kyiv carries out prisoner exchange with DPR and LPR

    The mutual exchange of prisoners by Ukraine and the separatists in the Donbas, agreed on within the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG), took place on Sunday, December 29, near the Mayorsk checkpoint on the demarcation line in the Donetsk region. The Office of the President of Ukraine announced that the swap had been completed successfully. According to the report, 76 people were given back to Kyiv, and 124 people were returned to the self-proclaimed separatist republics of the Donbas.

    The press …

  • Kyiv prepares for complete ceasefire in Donbas from January 1

    Ukraine is preparing for a complete ceasefire in the Donbas, starting on January 1, said Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Zahorodniuk in a press conference, as cited by Interfax-Ukraine.

    “We are preparing for a full ceasefire from January 1. That is, we are currently preparing for it, and will be working on it,” he said.

    The minister also said that Ukraine and the militants have identified new sections for the disengagement of armed forces and heavy weaponry.

    “Yes, we have identified our …

  • Putin: Donbas militants obtain weapons from countries that 'sympathize with them'

    Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his press conference, said that military equipment to the separatist-held territories of Ukraine could be supplied by countries "that sympathize with the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics."

    Commenting on the presence of tanks and heavy artillery in the Donbas, Putin said that there are various kinds of conflicts and hostilities with the use of artillery and other weapons in many "hot spots" of the world.

    "Where do they get it from? Probably, from …

  • Kyiv extends Donbas 'special status' law

    On Thursday, December 12, Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, extended the law on special provisions for local governments in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions until December 31 next year.

    The bill was supported by 320 MPs.

    According to the document, the possibility of an introduction of a temporary special status of local governments in the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, established by Article 1 of the current law, has been extended for a year. 

    The law …

  • OSCE: troops withdrawal in new areas in Donbas is discussed

    OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák said that as part of the work of the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine negotiations are taking place on potential withdrawal of forces and equipment in new territories along the demarcation line in the Donbas, reports Novosti Donbasa news outlet.

    "Negotiations on withdrawal are ongoing  within the Trilateral Contact Group. We fully support this. I don't want to say what the result will be. But there is a positive trend," …