Contents tagged with Kremlin

  • Kremlin: Russia will respond to NATO's reinforcement in Poland

    If there is a reinforcement of the US military contingent in Poland, Russia will take all military, political and economic measures in the context of necessary defense, said Frants Klintsevich, first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, to RIA Novosti.

    Earlier, Polish President Andrzej Duda said that he intends to discuss the matter of enlarging the American military presence in the country with US President Donald Trump during his visit.

    Commenting on …

  • Russia is pushing its candidate to the head of UN department on terrorism

    The Russian Foreign Ministry expects that the new UN department to fight terrorism will be headed by a representative of Russia, as stated by Dmitry Feoktistov, Deputy Director of the Department on New Challenges and Threats of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RIA Novosti reports.

    He said that Russia has already nominated its candidate for this post, but did not mention the name of the Russian contender. “We are speaking about the representative of Russia being appointed to the newly …

  • Kremlin: Russia reserves the right to respond to Montenegro’s entry into NATO

    Against the background of the formal completion of the procedure for Montenegro's entry into NATO, Moscow reserves the right to retaliate in relation to Podgorica’s hostile actions, as stated in comments by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which were posted on the department’s website.

    "The continuing anti-Russian hysteria in Montenegro causes us only regrets. In light of the hostile line of Montenegrin authorities, the Russian side reserves the right to take …

  • The Kremlin has announced this year’s launch date of the 'Direct Line' Q and A session with Vladimir Putin

    Russian President Vladimir Putin’s hotline telethon will be held on June 15, at 12:00 Moscow time, according to the Kremlin website.

    "You can ask your question by calling or sending an SMS or MMS message, as well as via the website or using a special mobile application," the message says.

    Vladimir Putin's telethon in Russia has been held since 2001. The event was first held in Russia at the end of the year but from 2011 it was carried over to April. This year, the official representative of …

  • Kremlin: Russia will respond to NATO’s troop deployment in Europe

    Russian Ambassador to NATO Alexander Grushko said in Brussels on June 1 that Moscow is concerned by the North Atlantic Alliance deploying forces in the Baltic states and in Poland. He noted that Russia will respond to these actions.

    “NATO is creating a new situation in military security which we cannot ignore, thus we must think how to use our own military resources,” Grushko said.

    He did not specify which measures Russia might take, saying only that “NATO’s movements will not remain without …

  • The Kremlin threatened the US with a response to last year's closure of Russian diplomatic compounds

    The Kremlin's chief foreign policy adviser threatened Washington in response to last year's closure of Russia's diplomatic compounds in the United States if they are not reopened.

    As the Russian Presidential aide on Foreign policy issues, Yuri Ushakov, said, "We have shown patience and sensibility, but this patience is, of course, not without limits."

    He reiterated that Moscow did not immediately respond to Washington's move, but added that "the principle of reciprocity in diplomacy has not …

  • Kremlin called US decision to monitor Russia’s ports ‘a step towards war’

    Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian Federation Council (upper house of the Russian Parliament) Konstantin Kosachev said  that the US bill which requires the monitoring of Russian ports to enforce the sanctions on North Korea can be equated to “a declaration of war”, RIA Novosti reports.

    "This Bill, I hope, will never be implemented, because it assumes a forceful inspection of all ships by American navy”, he stated.

    Kosachev stressed that “such a scenario is unthinkable …

  • Kremlin 'outraged' by ECHR's decision to make Russia pay 3 million euros for Beslan massacre

    Family members of those killed in the Beslan school terrorist attack in 2004 won a case against Russia in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). The court awarded the petitioners a total of EUR 2.995 million as a compensation for moral damages, as well as EUR 88,000 in reimbursement for court costs, as reported by Kommersant.

    According to the report, the ECHR acknowledged that the Russian authorities were in a difficult situation and took the necessary measures to rescue the hostages. At …

  • Kremlin denies the joint statement of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah threatening US

    Dmitry Peskov, Press Secretary to the Russian President, said that the Kremlin knows nothing about the statement of the joint command center of Russia, Iran and Shiite militia groups supporting Bashar al-Assad’s regime and about readiness to use force against “any aggressor”, Nastoyashchee Vremya reports.

    Yesterday this statement was spread by Reuters, citing a statement published on Ilam al Harbi (War Media) news outlet.

    “The aggression shown by America against Syria crossed red lines. From …

  • Kremlin: We do not unconditionally support Assad

    Dmitry Peskov, the Press Secretary for Russian President, has said that Kremlin support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is not unconditional, reports AP.

    The previous day, the U.S. State Department said that it is time for Russia to reconsider its support of Assad, due to the chemical attack in Syria. It was reported today that U.S. President Donald Trump has set sights on war against Assad.

    "Unconditional support is impossible in this world," he said.

    The Kremlin added that it “is …