Contents tagged with Kremlin

  • Russia weighs military support for Georgia amid political turmoil

    The Kremlin has expressed readiness to "assist" the pro-Russian party in Georgia in retaining power. Russia is prepared to deploy troops as soon as requested by Tbilisi, as stated by Russian Federation Council Deputy Andrei Klimov on July 21, according to TVpirveli.

    Russia has assured that it will support the Georgian Dream party and cited concerns over a "coup" amid protests and public discontent in Georgia. Klimov warned that any coup would constitute interference by external forces in …

  • Peskov: Russia seeks concrete steps from Ukraine amid talks of potential peace dialogue

    Russia is anticipating "concrete actions" from Ukraine if Kyiv is indeed ready for a "peace dialogue", said the Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov during a briefing on Monday, July 22.

    "What exactly is behind these words, what concrete plans are being discussed, what actions are being taken in this direction if the talk is serious—we cannot judge yet. We need to wait for concrete steps, if there will be any," Peskov said, commenting on the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's suggestion of …

  • Kremlin rebrands Ukraine conflict in new propaganda guidance: 'Special Military Operation' term retired

    The administration of the Russian president has introduced new directives for propagandists concerning the war in Ukraine, following President Vladimir Putin's remarks at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Astana. The document was obtained by the news outlet Meduza.

    In the Kremlin’s new recommendations for pro-government and state-run media, the conflict is referred to as the "Ukrainian conflict". Previously, Russia’s incursion into the neighbouring country was termed a " …

  • FSB initiates major purge within Russian Defense Ministry: top brass under arrest amidst Ukraine conflict fallout

    Arrests of senior Russian generals are just beginning, all with the Kremlin's consent, reported Russian publication The Moscow Times, citing five anonymous sources.

    The journalists spoke with two government officials, two sources close to the Kremlin, and an informed source within the Ministry of Defense. All five agreed that the ongoing wave of arrests aims for the security agencies to pin the blame for failures in Ukraine on the military and gain control of defense expenditure.

    “There’s a …

  • Kremlin debates withholding Navalny's body to avoid political unrest ahead of elections

    Sources close to the Kremlin report that Russian authorities are discussing options to delay the release of Alexei Navalny’s body to his family. There are concerns within the Kremlin that the funeral of the opposition politician could overshadow the upcoming presidential elections and Vladimir Putin’s inauguration, transforming it into a significant political event, reports he news outlet Agenstvo.Novosti.

    Bloomberg cites that the news of the politician’s death came as a surprise to the …

  • Kremlin warns of lengthy legal battles if West uses frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine

    If Western countries decide to use the frozen assets of Russia to support Ukraine, this will lead to very long legal battles, said the Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, during a briefing on Monday, February 5.

    "In case such decisions are made, they would be deeply unlawful, and for those who make these decisions and those who implement them, there would be very long-term legal implications stretching over many decades," he assured.

    Peskov stated that tampering with "someone else's property" …

  • Kremlin: Ukrainian peace talks futile without Russia

    Discussions on the provisions of the Ukrainian peace formula are possible but lack the prospects for achieving any results without Russia's participation, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said at a briefing on Monday, January 15.

    "Discussions are indeed possible without us, yet they lack the prospect of any result. Essentially, they are talks for the sake of talks. It's a process that is not and cannot be aimed at achieving a specific outcome for a clear and simple reason: we are not taking …

  • Relatives of mobilized Russian soldiers appeal to the public for support in bringing loved ones home

    Relatives and loved ones of mobilized Russians, who are seeking their return from the front, have turned to the "multinational people of Russia" for help. The appeal text, posted on Monday morning, November 27th, was shared on the Telegram channel "Path Home," which brings together relatives of mobilized individuals from all over Russia.

    "This is an appeal to everyone, or rather a plea for help. Our tragedy is unfolding right before your eyes, which we cannot bear alone! We have knocked on …

  • Kremlin: West will 'get tired' of supporting Ukraine

    Russia is hopeful that the West will "get tired" of providing assistance to Ukraine, said the Kremlin’s spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov,  at a press briefing.

    "According to our predictions, fatigue from this 'conflict' and the absurd sponsorship of the 'Kyiv regime' will grow in various countries, including the United States. This fatigue will lead to fragmentation of the political establishment," said Peskov.

    However, he believes that the United States will continue to support the Ukrainian …

  • Kremlin is concerned about potential military rebellion following Prigozhin's death

    The Kremlin believes that there is a threat of a new military revolt in Russia following the liquidation of the founder of the private military company Wagner, Evgeny Prigozhin, reports the newspaper the Moscow Times, citing sources close to the administration of the Russian president and a government official who previously served in law enforcement agencies.

    According to the newspaper's sources, the Russian special services are already working to prevent similar "performances" to what Wagner …