Contents tagged with Kadyrov

  • Kadyrov orders a 'spiritual and ethical certification' for Chechen youth

    Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has ordered that a "spiritual and moral certification" be administered to the republic’s citizens who are aged between 14 and 35 years.  This was reported by MP Adam Malikov on the official website of the republic’s parliament.

    During a meeting with the pupils of a school in the village of Alkhan-Kala, Malikov said that after undergoing the procedure, every young person will receive a document that will indicate his personal description, national, typical and …

  • Russian opposition leader Mikhail Kasyanov attacked in Moscow

    The leader of the People’s Freedom Party (Parnas), Mikhail Kasyanov, has been attacked in Moscow.  He did not suffer any serious injuries.

    This was reported by the head of the youth department of Parnas, Mikhail Konev.  In an interview with Radio Svoboda, he said that a group of people from Chechnya attempted an assault on Kasyanov but that his security personnel successfully fought them off.  Konev also said that at that time, Kasyanov was writing a statement at the police station.

    “There …

  • Kadyrov: Chechen Special Forces are in Syria Fighting against Islamic State

    The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that the Chechen Special Forces are fighting against members of the so-called Islamic State in Syria.  He also announced the creation of an extensive intelligence network within the so-called Islamic State, where "the best soldiers of the Republic" were sent to infiltrate the extremist group.

    "It is time to talk about those who contribute to the success of the Russian Air Force globally and are paying the price of their own lives," as stated in a …

  • No Comment from the Kremlin on Kadyrov's Latest Controversial Instagram Post

    The Kremlin doesn’t plan to comment on the last Instagram post made by Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechnya. The President’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said that he was not going to comment on those matters, as reported by Interfax.

    "I do not intend to make any comments," said Peskov when answering journalists’ questions as to whether he planned to comment on the posting made by Kadyrov.

    Earlier Peskov promised journalists he would show Kadyrov’s postings on Instagram and give comments …

  • EU urges Russia to Respond to Kadyrov's Statements

    The European Union Ambassador in Russia, Vygaudas Usackas, believes that the recent statements made by Kadyrov against members of the Russian opposition "are unacceptable in a democratic society."

    The Ambassador believes that authorities should immediately respond to the statement of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, against the opposition and the politician Mikhail Kasyanov.

    According to the EU office in Moscow, during a telephone conversation between Usackas and Kasyanov, the Ambassador …

  • Kadyrov's Video Showing Opposition Leader in Crosshairs Removed from Instagram

    The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that Instagram has removed his video depicting the leader of the Parnas party, Mikhail Kasyanov, because the application protects "American dogs," as he wrote on his Instagram page on Monday, February 1st.

    "I always honestly and openly express my opinions in words and writing. But when I say a few words about the US lap dogs they immediately removed the post from Instagram. Here is this touted freedom of speech in America! You can write whatever you …

  • Kadyrov: The US has started a war against Russia

    The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that the words of US authorities regarding the alleged corruption of Russian President Vladimir Putin suggests the beginning of a war against Russia.

    The statement made by US officials about this alleged corruption suggests that they are against Russia and have “launched a real war”. This was posted by Kadyrov on his Instagram page.

    Kadyrov referred to the steps taken by the White House as “unfriendly”.  “The scenario seems to be out of a Hollywood …

  • Putin praises Kadyrov as 'effective' and 'efficient'

    Russian President Vladmir Putin deemed the actions of Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic, as “effective”.  He cited this during the inter-regional forum of the All-Russia People’s Front, which was held in Stavropol.  

    Putin went on to state, “Those living there [in Chechnya] have done this.  Thanks to the first president of the Republic… to the current head, he is working efficiently.”

    On January 12th, Kadyrov called the representatives of Russian non-system opposition “public …

  • Police in Dagestan Block Rally in Support Of Putin and Kadyrov

    On January 24th, police in Dagestan blocked an attempted demonstration rally by followers of Sagid Murtalzaliev, who was declared wanted in connection with terrorism. One of the organizers, Ahmed Pasha Amirilaev, reported in his interview with Ekho Moskvii that the police had stopped people who supported Russian President Vladimir Putin and the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. Amirilaev did not confirm information that police officers tore up posters of Putin and Kadyrov.

    The …

  • Authorities in Moscow reject application for anti-Kadyrov rally

    City authorities in Moscow have rejected an application submitted by the liberal Yabloko party to hold a public rally to call for the removal of Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic.

    Radio Free Europe reported that Yabloko instead plans to hold a rotating one-person picket on January 26th in front of President Putin’s administration building, as public demonstrations in Russia of more than one person must be approved by the authorities. Russian opposition groups report that it is …