Contents tagged with EU

  • EU proposes engaging in trilateral gas talks with Russia and Ukraine

    The European Union proposed that Ukraine begin negotiations with the Russian Federation regarding gas prices, offering to serve as a mediator, according to EU Commissioner, Maroš Šefčovič, during the Ukrainian energy forum as reported by a Evropeyskaya Pravda correspondent.

    "The market gas price should be determined either through negotiations or with the help of the Stockholm Court," he stated.

    "Of course, litigation proceedings are more long-term, but we should not wait for it this year. …

  • EU extends sanctions against Yanukovych and his inner circle

    As expected, on the 2nd of March, the EU will continue sanctions against the former Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, and 15 members of his inner circle. These sanctions were to end on the 6th of March. "Radio Freedom", with reference to sources in the EU, reports.

    It is noted that the sanctions will be extended for another year.

    It is also expected that the former Minister of Health, Raisa Bogatyreva, will not be on the list of sanctions.  Sanctions were imposed two years ago due to …

  • Western countries asked Crimean Tatar Mejlis to avoid provoking Russian military

    During Russia's annexation of the Crimea in 2014, the Ambassadors of several Western countries called on the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People to avoid provoking the Russian military, as stated by Refat Chubarov, the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People on the program "Svoboda Slova" (Freedom of speech) on the channel ICTV.

    "All day long I was in touch with the ambassadors from the EU countries and the U.S.A. They all had the same request: do not provoke the …

  • EU Commissioner of Energy doubts the necessity of Nord Stream II

    The European Union doubts the economical necessity of Gazprom’s Nord Stream II project, as stated by the European Commissioner for Energy, Maroš Šefčovič, during the Ukrainian Energy Forum, as reported by a European Pravda correspondent.

    “It is a private project which provides for the expansion of Russian gas transit through the Baltic Sea. However, why does the European Union need the additional gas transit capacity if the current gas transportation system is only running at 50% capacity? …

  • Russian representative to the EU hopes that sanctions will be lifted this summer

    A scenario where sanctions against Russia will be ‘eternal’ is contrary to the basic economic interests of the countries of the European Union, said Russia's Permanent Representative to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov.

    Russia's permanent representative to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, expressed hope that sanctions against the Russian Federation will be lifted in the summer 2016.

    "I think at some point, the sanctions will be simply lifted, hopefully in the summer.  To expect a solution that would allow …

  • Turkey expresses its support for Southern Gas Corridor

    At a conference to review the results of the second meeting of the Advisory Board of the Southern Gas Corridor in Baku, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey, Berat Albayrak, stated that “the Southern Gas Corridor is an essential project in ensuring energy security.”  

    According to him, Turkey strongly supports the implementation of the Southern Gas Corridor project, as reported by Trend.

    He also thanked Azerbaijan for arranging the meetings for the Advisory Board of the …

  • Johannes Hahn: Corruption discourages investment in Ukraine

    At the opening of the Ukrainian Week in the European Parliament, the European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, noted the progress made in the area of reforms in Ukraine.  However, he also recognized that Kiev lacks perseverance and that a lot still needs to be done.

    Speaking on Monday in Brussels, Hahn called for the continuation of judicial reform.  He also emphasized the importance of fighting against corruption.

    “The situation is …

  • EU Ambassadors in Moscow call for investigation into killing of Boris Nemtsov

    The Ambassadors of 28 EU countries and Norway laid flowers at the site of Boris Nemtsov’s assassination on the Moskvoretski Bridge in the Russian capital, as reported by a Dozhd correspondent.

    Vygaudas Ushatskas, the head of the representative office of the European Union in Moscow, was also present. “The organizers and perpetrators of the crime must be found,” he said. Peter Eriksson, the Swedish Ambassador to Russia also demanded an unbiased investigation of the killing.

    Boris Nemtsov was …

  • European Commission postpones decision on visa-free regime for Ukraine

    The European Commission will submit a legislative initiative to abolish visas for Georgia.  This will be submitted to the Council of the EU next week.  Such an initiative for Ukraine, however, has been postponed.  This was reported via Twitter by a correspondent of Radio Liberty in Brussels, Ricard Yozvyak.

    “The proposal for the visa liberalization of Georgia will be made by the European Commission next week.  Ukraine will probably have to wait until after the referendum on the Association …

  • 49% of Dutch people aren't aware of upcoming vote on Ukraine-EU Association Agreement

    Almost half of Dutch citizens do not know about the referendum on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (EUAA), which will take place on the 6th of April 2016, according to the results of a TNS Nipo poll, as reported by the daily publication De Telegraaf.

    The researchers found that 49% of the residents of the Netherlands do not know about the referendum.  "It seems that too few people will vote," the edition notes.  In particular, only 21% of the respondents said that "of course" they will vote …