Contents tagged with Donbas

  • Erdogan calls Russia’s recognition of Donbas breakaway regions unacceptable, promises response in Black Sea

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called unacceptable Russia's decision to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR).

    "From the very beginning of the crisis, we sincerely sought to reduce tensions. In the statement of our Foreign Ministry on the latest events, it was indicated that Russia's decision to recognize the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk republics contradicts the Minsk agreements. It was stressed that this decision is a clear violation …

  • Putin sends Russian troops into Donbas

    Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Russian Defense Ministry to send Russian troops into the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's republics.

    According to the decree signed by Putin, the Ministry of Defense is instructed to "ensure the implementation of peacekeeping functions" in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics with the help of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. According to the decree, the decision was made following the appeals of DPR and LPR leaders, …

  • Russian Security Council asks Putin to give the West ‘one last chance’ before recognizing Donbas republics

    Russian politicians have called on President Vladimir Putin to "give the West one last chance" to force Kyiv to comply with the Minsk agreements.

    Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev urged Putin to tell his American counterpart Joe Biden that if the necessary measures are not taken, the recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics will follow.

    "We need that you [Putin] tell Biden: "If the massacre does not stop in 2-3 days, then the only solution is the …

  • Leader of Donbas militants claims battles with Ukrainian troops happening on Russian border

    The leader of the pro-Russian militants, Denis Pushilin, said that Ukrainian soldiers allegedly carry out massive shelling of the territories, which are not under Kyiv’s control, and called on the male population of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics to take up arms.

    "In recent days alone, the artillery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has fired more than 1,700 mortars and shells on residential areas. We are being hit with heavy artillery, mortars, grenade launchers and …

  • Russia accuses Ukraine of shelling its territory

    The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation said it opened a criminal case due to shelling of border area in the Rostov region allegedly by Ukraine.

    "According to the investigation, on February 19, 2022, between 5 to 6 am, unidentified persons shelled the border territory of the Tarasovsky district of the Rostov region from the territory of Ukraine using a multiple launch rocket launcher system," the Russian Investigative Committee said in a statement.

    The Russian Investigative …

  • Head of pro-Russian militants announces general mobilization in Donbas

    The head of the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin, has signed a decree ordering general mobilization of the male population.

    "I call on all compatriots who are in the reserve to come to military conscription centers. Today, I have signed a decree on general mobilization. I appeal to all men of the republic who are able to hold weapons in their hands, to defend their families, their children, wives, mothers. Together, we will achieve the victory we all desire and need. …

  • Russian parliament calls on Putin to recognize self-proclaimed Donbas republics

    Deputies of the Russian parliament, the State Duma, adopted a resolution calling on the Russian President to recognize the independence of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's republics. During a vote on Tuesday, February 15, the Russian MPs approved the declaration prepared by the Russian Communist Party, which is expected to be sent directly to Vladimir Putin. 351 deputies voted in favor for the declaration, 16 were against and one abstained.

    The deputies also considered a …

  • Putin’s party: Russia should start supplying weapons to Donbas republics

    Russia should begin arms supplies to the unrecognized republics of the Donbas, said the First Deputy chairman of the Russian Federation Council, Secretary of the General Council of "United Russia" Party, Andrei Turchak.

    “Leading NATO countries pump Ukraine with lethal weapons in very large volumes, including missile systems, grenade launchers, small arms, mines, and ammunition,” Turchak said.

    According to him, career NATO military arrived in Ukraine to prepare Ukrainian servicemen "to conduct …

  • Kyiv: Russia sends more tanks into Donbas

    In Recent weeks Russia has been strengthening militants in the Donbas and is actively recruiting mercenaries who, after undergoing intensive training, are sent to the unrecognized Donetsk and Luhansk "people's republics" (DPR and LPR), said the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

    “Since the beginning of January, Russia has secretly delivered to DPR and LPR by rail and road transport more than 7,000 tons of fuel, several  tanks and units of self-propelled artillery, …

  • EU Foreign Affairs Chief visits Donbas

    On Wednesday, January 5, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell visited the demarcation line in the Donbas, making a statement about the buildup of Russian troops near the Ukrainian borders.

    "Now the conflict is on the brink. tensions are growing now even with regard to European security. Russia is amassing troops and weapons along the Ukrainian border in an unusual way," Borrel said.

    Borrell noted that during the first meeting of the presidents of …