Contents tagged with DPR

  • Ukrainian Armed Forces: Ukrainian soldier was taken prisoner by separatists

    The Spokesperson of the Presidential Administration on issues in the conflict zone, Colonel Andriy Lysenko, stated at a daily briefing that a Ukrainian serviceman was taken prisoner by members of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic in Marinka.

    “Yesterday, a group of Ukrainian servicemen went for a patrol at the request of local residents in order to detect explosive devices on the road that civilians would often use. Our group was ambushed during the patrol. As a result of these events, …

  • The National Police of Ukraine suspects the authorities of Toretsk of being sympathetic to separatists

    The authorities of Toretsk (formerly known as Dzerzhinsk) are "preparing the area for the separatists” of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). The head of the National Police of the Donetsk Oblast, Vyacheslav Abroskin, made this statement on his Facebook page.

    "The local authorities of Toretsk are not acting fairly. They are attracting public veteran’s organizations and are encouraging them to demand the  withdrawal of the Ukrainian troops from the city. The city managers are …

  • Separatist leader's bodyguard surrenders to Ukrainian Border Service

    The Russian citizen, who had worked as a guard for the leader of the so-called DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic), surrendered to the employees of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on the night of July 12, the National Police Department press service in the Donetsk region reported.

    The 29-year-old Russian, registered in South Ossetia, was a member of the armed group Vostok from August 2014 to May 2016. He was on service in Yasynuvata and was on duty at the checkpoint in the Luhansk region. …

  • Survey shows there is a shortage of food and medicine in the Donbas

    Sociologists have investigated the social well-being of the population of the Donetsk region.

    Two years after the beginning of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, a quarter of the residents of the Donetsk region are still suffering from a shortage of medicines, one in five residents are in need of food products, and one in ten suffers from a lack of essential non-food items.

    These shortages are reflected in the results of sociological research conducted in May-June 2016 in the Donetsk …

  • Kiev will not cooperate with self-proclaimed republics on the payment of pensions

    The Minister for Social Policy of Ukraine, Andriy Reva, commented on the statement of Denis Pushilin, the a representative of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic, concerning the opening of pension payment branches in the territories that are not under Ukraine’s control.

    “Where are the guarantees that the citizens will receive these pensions? I don’t believe Pushilin or any of these bandits,” Reva stated on Ukrainian Hromadske.TV. The Minister added that Ukraine does not recognize the …

  • Fighting erupts near Debaltseve in eastern Ukraine

    The Ukrainian TSN News channel reports renewed heavy fighting on the front line in eastern Ukraine.  According to the news channel, the separatists attempted to advance in the area of Debaltseve in the Donetsk region.

    The separatist attacked the Ukrainian positions in the early morning on June 29. According to the reports of the Ukrainian volunteers from Pravyi Sektor (Right Sector), the separatist used heavy artillery and armored infantry vehicles. The Ukrainian forces repelled the separatist …

  • Italian journalist creates news agency in the so-called Luhansk People's Republic

    A separatist information agency, LNR Today-Italia, has begun work in the so-called Luhansk People's Republic (LPR).

    The agency was created by the Italian journalist, Vittorio Nicola Rangeloni, the Ukrainian activist group, Stop Terror, reports.

    "The newly created agency is aimed at reporting on events taking place in the ‘LPR/DPR’, and waging an information war against the government and armed forces of Ukraine,” LNR Today-Italia agency stated.

    In addition to articles, the information …

  • Media: So-called DPR has decided to 'nationalize' Ukrainian property in the Donbas

    The so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) has adopted a new law on nationalization, declaring that all property belonging to Ukraine, which is located on the territory of the DPR, now belongs to the DPR.

    According to the Gazeta.Ru, the law was adopted by the so-called National Council on the 24th of June.

    “The law was read out in the National Council by the representative of the head of the DPR, Svetlana Yegorova. It was immediately approved in the first and second readings,” the …

  • Lavrov: Moscow's recognition of breakaway republics in eastern Ukraine would be 'counterproductive'

    The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, has said that recognizing the independence of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) in eastern Ukraine would be “counterproductive” at the moment. He said this during an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

    “Recognizing the independence of the DPR and the LPR is counterproductive. It will give the West a reason to stop pressuring Kiev to implement the Minsk II agreements,” TASS quoted Lavrov as saying.

    Lavrov also …

  • Zakharchenko: Ukrainian political parties will not participate in the primaries in the Donbas

    According to the head of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Alexander Zakharchenko, Ukrainian parties will not participate in early voting in the region.

    “Under no circumstances will Ukrainian parties participate in the primaries in the DPR. I know that today’s reports on early public voting has caused excitement in the Ukrainian media and has resulted in a wave of false insinuations. It is untrue that we are supposedly waiting for Ukrainian parties to participate in our elections,” …