Contents tagged with DPR

  • Savchenko published the lists of POWs despite SBU’s opposition

    Despite the opposition of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Nadiya Savchenko has published on her Facebook page a list of the Ukrainians who are imprisoned by the LPR and DPR, as well as those who are considered missing. She also posted the names of those who the DPR (Donetsk People's Republic) and LPR (Luhansk People's Republic) demand to be released. The SBU believes that this move could harm the prisoner exchange process and their families. Savchenko herself believes the opposite: that …

  • Separatists restrict import of goods from Ukrainian territory

    The import of products by citizens of Ukraine was restricted to 50 kg per person in the Donetsk People’s Republic. In November 2016, the maximum permissible weight of products allowed for import to the territories of the Donbas, which are beyond Kyiv’s control, was increased from 50 to 75 kg per person, an OSCE SMM report says.

    However, OSCE observers later recorded several cars in the queue at the entrance and exit of a so-called DPR checkpoint. “An armed representative of DPR told the OSCE …

  • Ukraine handed over 15 prisoners to separatists

    On the 29th of December, the Ukrainian authorities unilaterally returned 15 people who were subject to criminal persecution in Ukraine, to the representatives of self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic. The Security Service of Ukraine and the DPR confirmed the transfer of the 15 people, eight men and seven women.

    According to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), they were previously detained for their participation in illegally armed groups. The transfer took place between Horlivka and …

  • Separatists stated that two thousand Russians are kept in Donetsk detention facility

    A Russian writer, who supports the activity of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, Natalya Makeeva, stated that about 2,000 Russians are being held in a Donetsk detention facility. It is reported that they came to the Donbas in 2014 to join the illegally armed groups. According to Makeeva, she deals with issues related to prisoners of war in separatist-controlled areas and the territory controlled by Ukrainian Government.

    Natalya Makeeva claims that the detained Russians came to the …

  • Pushilin does not exclude the unification of the DPR and LPR in the future

    A representative of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin, is not excluding the possible unification of the LPR and DPR in the future; however, this issue is not currently on the agenda, as reported by Russia's Interfax news agency.

    "No one sees the usefulness of such a unification at this stage as both the LPR (Luhansk People's Republic) and the DPR have signed the Minsk Agreements. For now, we do not see any circumstances under which reunification should occur. …

  • Ukrainian SBU detains one of the top managers of supermarket chain for relations with separatist republic

    In Kyiv, employees of the State Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) detained one of the top managers of a supermarket chain through which the self-proclaimed DPR was financed, as the statement of the SBU press center reads.

    “At the end of November, employees of the special service disclosed that merchants in the capital are part of a business which continued to function in the temporarily occupied territory. Law enforcement officers found that part of the income from these shops was being sent …

  • Ukrainian activists and military veterans vow to stop illegal trade with separatist-held areas

    According to the second commander of Donbas volunteer battalion, Anatoly Vinogradsky, the  veterans of the volunteer battalions have started setting up check points along the contact line in eastern Ukraine to prevent the “illegal flow of goods” into the separatist-held territories.

    “There was an ultimatum demanding the return of the prisoners. The separatist leaders have not responded to it. That is why we have started the blockade of the occupied areas in eastern Ukrain,“ Vinogradsky stated …

  • The DPR and LPR decided to hand over two prisoners to Savchenko

    The leaders of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky, decided to hand over two captive Ukrainians to the People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Nadiya Savchenko, according to a statement published on one of the separatists' websites.

    “On New Year’s and Christmas Eve, we handed over two women, Angelica Presnyakova and Olga Svorak, to the representative of the Ukrainian people, Nadiya Savchenko, without any conditions as a gesture of …

  • Savchenko was questioned by the Security Service of Ukraine after her meeting with separatist leaders

    Nadiya Savchenko, a Verkhovna Rada deputy, gave a testimony to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) after her meeting with the leaders of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics.

    This was stated by the head of the SBU, Vasyl Hrytsak, on channel 112.

    "The Security Service invited Nadiya, and she gave a testimony in the framework of criminal proceedings," he said.

    At the same time, Hrytsak was critical of the fact that an MP negotiated with the separatists.

    "I cannot forbid a …

  • US Global Hawk drone carried out reconnaissance mission at the demarcation line in the Donbas

    A RQ-4A Global Hawk Strategic U.S. Air Force drone made an almost 10-hour reconnaissance flight along the line dividing the sides in the Donbas on Friday, as was reported by Interfax-Ukraine citing a source in western information portals that monitor the movement of military aircraft.

    According to them, the American long-range drone, before leaving Ukraine in the west to its border with Romania, had shuttled north to south along the demarcation line for hours without crossing it.

    During its …